Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2023
True intratracheal oxygen concentration delivered by SentriO Oxy™ masks under various respiratory conditions: a bench study.
SentriO Oxy™ is a newly available, Food and Drug Administration-approved oxygenation mask system that provides high oxygenation, even on low-flow (5-10 L/min) oxygen. This study aimed to accurately measure the intratracheal fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) using SentriO Oxy™ masks under relatively low oxygen flow rates. A manikin-ventilator-test lung simulation system was used. ⋯ In addition, using linear regression analysis, we found that TV, RR, and oxygen flow were all significant factors influencing the measured FiO2. Our experiment proposed two prediction equations considering the oxygen flow rate, TV, and RR. The results of our study may provide information and prediction of FiO2 for clinicians to use SentriO Oxy™ masks during sedative anesthetic procedures under low oxygen flow rates.
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2023
A technique to measure tidal volume during noninvasive respiratory support by continuous-flow helmet CPAP.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has promoted the use of helmet continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for noninvasive respiratory support in hypoxic respiratory failure patients, despite the lack of tidal volume monitoring. We evaluated a novel technique designed to measure tidal volume during noninvasive continuous-flow helmet CPAP. ⋯ Tidal volume measurement is feasible and accurate during bench continuous-flow helmet CPAP therapy by the analysis of the outflow signal, provided that helmet inflow is adequate to match the patient's inspiratory efforts. Insufficient inflow resulted in tidal volume underestimation. In vivo data are needed to confirm these findings.
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2023
Observational StudyCapnodynamic monitoring of lung volume and pulmonary blood flow during alveolar recruitment: a prospective observational study in postoperative cardiac patients.
Alveolar recruitment manoeuvres may mitigate ventilation and perfusion mismatch after cardiac surgery. Monitoring the efficacy of recruitment manoeuvres should provide concurrent information on pulmonary and cardiac changes. This study in postoperative cardiac patients applied capnodynamic monitoring of changes in end-expiratory lung volume and effective pulmonary blood flow. ⋯ Changes in oxygen delivery index after lung recruitment were correlated to changes in end-expiratory lung volume (r = 0.39, 95% CI 0.16-0.59, p = 0.002) and effective pulmonary blood flow (r = 0.60, 95% CI 0.41-0.74, p < 0.001). Capnodynamic monitoring of end-expiratory lung volume and effective pulmonary blood flow early in postoperative cardiac patients identified a characteristic parallel increase in both lung volume and perfusion after the recruitment manoeuvre in patients with a significant increase in oxygen delivery. Trial registration This study was registered on (NCT05082168, 18th of October 2021).
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2023
"The peripheral perfusion index discriminates haemodynamic responses to induction of general anaesthesia".
Induction of general anaesthesia is often accompanied by hypotension. Standard haemodynamic monitoring during anaesthesia relies on intermittent blood pressure and heart rate. Continuous monitoring systemic blood pressure requires invasive or advanced modalities creating a barrier for obtaining important information of the circulation. ⋯ In the 69 patients where PPI increased the corresponding values were MAP 70(± 15)%, SV 80(± 16)%, and CO 68(± 17)% (all differences: p < 0,001). During induction of general anaesthesia changes in PPI discriminated between the degrees of reduction in blood pressure and algorithm derived cardiac stroke volume and -output. As such, the PPI has potential to be a simple and non-invasive indicator of the degree of post-induction haemodynamic changes.
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2023
Quantifying pulse oximeter accuracy during hypoxemia and severe anemia using an in vitro circulation system.
Anemia and hypoxemia are common clinical conditions that are difficult to study and may impact pulse oximeter performance. Utilizing an in vitro circulation system, we studied performance of three pulse oximeters during hypoxemia and severe anemia. Three oximeters including one benchtop, one handheld, and one fingertip device were selected to reflect a range of cost and device types. ⋯ The fingertip device was the least accurate of the three oximeters. Pulse oximeter performance is impacted by severe anemia in vitro. The use of in vitro calibration systems may play an important role in augmenting in vivo performance studies evaluating pulse oximeter performance in challenging conditions.