Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2022
Assessment of the 50 % and 95 % effective paratracheal forces for occluding the esophagus in anesthetized patients.
This study aimed to evaluate the 50% and 95% effective paratracheal forces for occluding the esophagus in anesthetized patients. In 46 anesthetized patients, the upper esophagus was examined using ultrasonography, and the lower paratracheal area over the esophagus just above the clavicle was marked. Manual paratracheal force was applied over that area using a novel pressure sensing device set-up. ⋯ According to Dixon and Mood method, the 50% effective paratracheal force (confidence interval) was 18.4 (17.5‒19.3) N with the use of a 12-Fr esophageal stethoscope and 12.8 (11.0‒14.6) N with the use of an 18-Fr esophageal stethoscope. Using probit regression analysis, the 50% and 95% effective paratracheal forces were 18.4 (16.8‒19.6) N and 20.6 (19.4‒27.9) N, respectively, with the use of a 12-Fr esophageal stethoscope, and 12.4 (8.3‒14.4) N and 16.9 (14.7‒37.3) N, respectively, with the use of an 18-Fr esophageal stethoscope. Our findings suggest a guide for applying paratracheal force during rapid sequence induction and tracheal intubation.
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2022
A novel method of trans-esophageal Doppler cardiac output monitoring utilizing peripheral arterial pulse contour with/without machine learning approach.
Transesophageal Doppler (TED) velocity in the descending thoracic aorta (DA) is used to track changes in cardiac output (CO). However, CO tracking by this method is hampered by substantial change in aortic cross-sectional area (CSA) or proportionality between blood flow to the upper and lower body. To overcome this, we have developed a new method of TED CO monitoring. ⋯ Between CODA-ML and COref, concordance rate was 93% and angular concordance rate was 94%. Both COAA-CSA and CODA-ML demonstrated "good to marginal" tracking ability of COref. In conclusion, our method may allow a robust and reliable tracking of CO during perioperative hemodynamic management.
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2022
LetterUse of flexible video bronchoscope for verification of nasogastric tube position in the intubated patient.
We propose a novel method for verifying the nasogastric tube (NGT) position and tip localization using flexible video bronchoscopy in anesthetized and intubated adult patients. The length of the scope used is 65 cm and can thus, track the NGT up to the pyloric canal. We have used this technique in patients with success. ⋯ The stomach is identified by the red mucosa and random tortuous folds (Fig. 1b). The pyloric canal can be identified by the convergence of gastric mucosal folds leading to the pyloric opening (Fig. 1c). In each case, the subdiaphragmatic position of NGT was verified with radiography, which is a routine practice in our institute.
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2022
The effect of different inflating volume on the measurement accuracy of the modified cuff pressure measurement method.
To evaluate the effect of different inflation volume on the measurement accuracy of the modified cuff pressure measurement method in different shapes of cuffs, so as to provide reference for the correct monitoring of cuff pressure in clinic. In vitro study: The traditional cuff pressure measurement method (the cuff pressure gauge before measurement shows 0 cm H2O) and the modified cuff pressure measurement method (the cuff pressure before measurement shows 25 cm H2O, 28 cm H2O, 30 cm H2O or 32 cm H2O) were used to measure cylindrical and tapered cuffs, and the effect of different inflation volume on cuff pressure was analyzed statistically. Clinical study: patients with the artificial airway established by orotracheal intubation or tracheotomy in Neuro-ICU were prospectively selected as subjects, and the measurement procedure was the same as in vitro study. ⋯ The traditional cuff pressure measurement method can directly lead to the cuff pressure drop, which is easy to cause the leakage of secretions on the cuffs and the misjudgment of the cuff pressure by medical personnel. However, the modified cuff pressure measurement method can effectively reduce cuff pressure loss, and taking the actual cuff pressure value as the inflation volume is the highest measurement accuracy. The tapered cuff is more susceptible to air volume, so it is necessary to pay attention to its measurement and correction in clinical practice.
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2022
Observational StudyHeart rate variability and oxygen reserve index during cardiorespiratory events in patients undergoing ophthalmic arterial chemotherapy: a prospective observational study.
Unexpected cardiorespiratory compromise has been reported during ophthalmic arterial chemotherapy in pediatric patients with retinoblastoma. Although the underlying mechanisms remain unclear, autonomic responses are presumed to contribute to these events. We hypothesized that periprocedural heart rate variability would differ between patients with and without events. ⋯ Standard deviation of normal-to-normal R-R interval, total power, and very low-frequency power domain increased during selection of the ophthalmic artery in patients with events (all adjusted p < 0.0001), without predominancy of specific autonomic nervous alterations. Oxygen reserve index was significantly lower in patients with events than those without throughout the procedure (mean difference [95% CI], - 0.19 [- 0.32 to - 0.06], p = 0.005). Enhanced compensatory autonomic regulation without specific autonomic predominancy, and reduced oxygen reserve index was observed in patients with cardiorespiratory events than in patients without events.