Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Oct 2018
Somatosensory evoked potentials after decompressive craniectomy for traumatic brain injury.
Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) are used for neuroprognosis after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). However decompressive craniectomy (DC), involving removal of a portion of the skull to alleviate elevated intracranial pressure, is associated with an increase in SSEP amplitude. Accordingly, SSEPs are not available for neuroprognosis over the hemisphere with DC. ⋯ For contralateral-ipsilateral montages r2 was 0.28 and for frontal pole montages r2 was 0.62. Cortical SSEP amplitudes are influenced by the presence of cortical bone as is particularly evident in frontal pole montages. Larger, longitudinal trials to assess feasibility of neuroprognosis over the hemisphere with DC in severe TBI patients are warranted.
J Clin Monit Comput · Oct 2018
ReviewAssessment of liver perfusion and function by indocyanine green in the perioperative setting and in critically ill patients.
Indocyanine green (ICG) is a water-soluble dye that is bound to plasma proteins when administered intravenously and nearly completely eliminated from the blood by the liver. ICG elimination depends on hepatic blood flow, hepatocellular function and biliary excretion. ICG elimination is considered as a useful dynamic test describing liver function and perfusion in the perioperative setting, i.e., in liver surgery and transplantation, as well as in critically ill patients. ICG plasma disappearance rate (ICG-PDR) which can be measured today by transcutaneous systems at the bedside is a valuable method for dynamic assessment of liver function and perfusion, and is regarded as a valuable prognostic tool in predicting survival of critically ill patients, presenting with sepsis, ARDS or acute liver failure.
J Clin Monit Comput · Oct 2018
Clinical TrialPupillary reflex dilation in response to incremental nociceptive stimuli in patients receiving intravenous ketamine.
Pupillometry is a non-invasive monitoring technique, which allows dynamic pupillary diameter measurement by an infrared camera. Pupillary diameter increases in response to nociceptive stimuli. In patients anesthetized with propofol or volatile agents, the magnitude of this pupillary dilation is related to the intensity of the stimulus. ⋯ In children, pupillary reflex dilation to nociceptive stimuli persists under deep sedation obtained with 1 mg kg-1 of intravenous ketamine combined with a 0.3 mg kg-1 oral morphine premedication, and its magnitude depends on the intensity of the stimulation. Our results confirm that pupillometry could be a relevant way to monitor nociception in anaesthetised subjects, including those receiving ketamine. Trial registration, NCT 02648412.
J Clin Monit Comput · Oct 2018
Observational StudyPredictive values of pulse pressure variation and stroke volume variation for fluid responsiveness in patients with pneumoperitoneum.
Animal studies suggest that dynamic predictors remain useful in patients with pneumoperitoneum, but human data is conflicting. Our aim was to determine predictive values of pulse pressure variation (PPV) and stroke volume variation (SVV) in patients with pneumoperitoneum using LiDCORapid™ haemodynamic monitor. Standardised fluid challenges of colloid were administered to patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures, one fluid challenge per patient. ⋯ The gray zone of PPV ranged between 6.5 and 20.5% and that of SVV between 7.5 and 13%. During pneumoperitoneum, as measured by LiDCORapid™, PPV and SVV can predict fluid responsiveness, however their sensitivity is lower than the one reported in conditions without pneumoperitoneum. Trial registry number: (with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry): ACTRN12612000456853.
J Clin Monit Comput · Oct 2018
Evaluation of the use of the fourth version FloTrac system in cardiac output measurement before and after cardiopulmonary bypass.
The FloTrac system is a system for cardiac output (CO) measurement that is less invasive than the pulmonary artery catheter (PAC). The purposes of this study were to (1) compare the level of agreement and trending abilities of CO values measured using the fourth version of the FloTrac system (CCO-FloTrac) and PAC-originated continuous thermodilution (CCO-PAC) and (2) analyze the inadequate CO-discriminating ability of the FloTrac system before and after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Fifty patients were included. ⋯ The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for CCO-FloTrac was 0.56, 0.52, 0.52, and 0.72 for all, ≥ ± 5, ≥ ± 10, and ≥ ± 15% CO changes (ΔCO) of CCO-PAC before CPB, respectively, and 0.59, 0.55, 0.49, and 0.46 for all, ≥ ± 5, ≥ ± 10, and ≥ ± 15% ΔCO of CCO-PAC after CPB, respectively. When CO < 4 L/min was considered inadequate, the Cohen κ coefficient was 0.355 and 0.373 before and after CPB, respectively. The accuracy, trending ability, and inadequate CO-discriminating ability of the fourth version of the FloTrac system in CO monitoring are not statistically acceptable in cardiac surgery.