Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2018
Letter Case ReportsAn abrupt reduction in end tidal carbon di oxide concentration in a mechanically ventilated patient in neurocritical care ward: a capnogram artifact.
In patients with normal lung and reasonable cardiac function such as head injury patients, the PETCo2 can be used as a surrogate for partial pressure of Carbon dioxide (PaCO2) in mechanically ventilated patients. Thus early interpretation and accurate assessment of capnogram is crucial in neurocritical care patients. Here we present and discuss a scenario where in connection of a jet nebulizer to the ventilator lead to abrupt decrease in end tidal carbon dioxide leading to a diagnostic dilemma. Also this report highlights and discusses the importance of the proper placement of breathing circuit components to ensure accurate CO2 readings in particular the use of a jet nebulizer.
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2018
Performance of a capnodynamic method estimating effective pulmonary blood flow during transient and sustained hypercapnia.
The capnodynamic method is a minimally invasive method continuously calculating effective pulmonary blood flow (COEPBF), equivalent to cardiac output when intra pulmonary shunt flow is low. The capnodynamic equation joined with a ventilator pattern containing cyclic reoccurring expiratory holds, provides breath to breath hemodynamic monitoring in the anesthetized patient. Its performance however, might be affected by changes in the mixed venous content of carbon dioxide (CvCO2). ⋯ During prolonged hypercapnia, agreement remained good during changes in CO. The mean polar angle was -4.19° (-8.8° to 0.42°). Capnodynamic COEPBF is affected but recovers rapidly after transient large changes in PvCO2 and preserves good agreement and trending ability during states of prolonged hypercapnia at different levels of CO.
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2018
Comparative StudyA comparison of volume clamp method-based continuous noninvasive cardiac output (CNCO) measurement versus intermittent pulmonary artery thermodilution in postoperative cardiothoracic surgery patients.
The CNAP technology (CNSystems Medizintechnik AG, Graz, Austria) allows continuous noninvasive arterial pressure waveform recording based on the volume clamp method and estimation of cardiac output (CO) by pulse contour analysis. We compared CNAP-derived CO measurements (CNCO) with intermittent invasive CO measurements (pulmonary artery catheter; PAC-CO) in postoperative cardiothoracic surgery patients. In 51 intensive care unit patients after cardiothoracic surgery, we measured PAC-CO (criterion standard) and CNCO at three different time points. ⋯ For CNCOcal, the mean difference was -0.3 L/min (±0.5 L/min; -1.2 to +0.7 L/min) with a percentage error of 19%. In this clinical study in cardiothoracic surgery patients, CNCOcal showed good agreement when compared with PAC-CO. For CNCObio, we observed a higher percentage error and good trending ability (concordance rate 100%).
J Clin Monit Comput · Apr 2018
Observational StudyInfrared pupillometry helps to detect and predict delirium in the post-anesthesia care unit.
This study evaluates the capability of pupillary parameters to detect and predict delirium in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU-D) following general anesthesia. PACU-D may complicate and prolong the patient's postoperative course, consequently increasing hospital costs. After institutional approval, 47 patients undergoing surgical interventions with general anesthesia were included in the study. ⋯ These pupillary measures showed superior performance compared to other pupillary measures and features commonly associated with delirium, e.g., age (AUC = 0.73), total opioids (AUC = 0.56), or length of surgery (AUC = 0.40). Our results suggest that pupillometry and the parameters derived from the recording may identify delirious patients in the PACU. This information can help to efficiently structure their care in a timely manner, and potentially avoid adverse complications for the patient and financial consequences for the hospital.