Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Aug 2002
Clinical TrialA preliminary evaluation of a new derived EEG index monitor in anesthetized patients.
An electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring device, recently developed by Nicolet Biomedical, analyzes both high and low EEG frequencies. A processed derivative is obtained and displayed graphically and numerically on a monitor and may be used during anesthesia to indicate anesthetic "depth." However, radio-frequency interference from electrical equipment typically used in the operating room has the potential to interfere with the analysis of the high frequency components of the EEG. ⋯ The derived EEG Index monitoring system evaluated in this study functioned satisfactorily in the operating room setting in patients undergoing general anesthesia. Interference from ESU, facial nerve stimulation, and movement of the electrode wires caused brief interruptions of the derived EEG Index display and did not affect its utility in monitoring brain activity during anesthesia.
J Clin Monit Comput · Aug 2002
Clinical TrialUnconsciousness indication using time-domain parameters extracted from mid-latency auditory evoked potentials.
The mid-latency auditory evoked potential (MLAEP) has been used to indicate depth of anaesthesia, and is usually analysed in time-domain. This work compares three techniques: Wave Deformation Parameters (PDO), Auditory Evoked Potential Index (AEPidx) and an automatic Nb-wave latency estimator (Nb), in the assessment of unconsciousness onset based on EEG under auditory stimulation. ⋯ The results suggest that, at least to indicate unconsciousness, the most reliable effect of the anaesthetic drug on MLAEP would be the amplitude attenuation. Despite the high dependence on noise due to its time-domain basis, the Attenuation-PDO seems to be adequate to assess depth of anaesthesia.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jul 2002
Diagnosis of anesthetic-induced upper airway obstruction in children using respiratory inductance plethysmography.
Upper airway obstruction is the most rapid and clinically relevant cause of hypoxia during sedation and anesthesia. This study was designed to determine if respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) could quantify the degree of upper airway obstruction caused by induction of general anesthesia. ⋯ We investigated two methods for analyzing RIP tracings during varying degrees of upper airway obstruction in anesthetized children. We found that neither technique was sufficiently accurate for predicting the severity of upper airway obstruction and would not be useful as a predictor of upper airway obstruction in the clinical or research settings.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jul 2002
Pulmonary blood flow (cardiac output) and the effective lung volume determined from a short breath hold using the differential Fick method.
This work attempts to show how pulmonary blood flow (Qp), cardiac output (CO(Fick)) and the lung volume of effective gas exchange (ELV) can be determined from breath-by-breath measurements of the tidal exhaled CO2 elimination V (litre/min) and the end tidal CO2 concentration P (%) using the differential Fick method. The measurements are made during steady state ventilation and when the CO2 balance in the lungs changes subsequent to a perturbation of the gas exchange conditions. ⋯ With a single breath perturbation, the differential Fick method can yield cardiopulmonary information using 2-3 breaths only and with a minimum of interference with the patient. Complete data analysis results in multiple determinations of the Qp and ELV values which improve the attainable precision. Our investigation points to the possibility to determine Qp, CO(Fick) and ELV also during spontaneous breathing, by using the natural tidal variations of V and P.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jul 2002
Subcutaneous microdialysis for metabolic monitoring in abdominal aortic surgery.
Microdialysis, that is the sampling of interstitial fluid via semi-permeable tubes, has been shown to be suitable for detecting ischemic changes e.g. in brain and heart tissue. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the possibility of monitoring with subcutaneous microdialysis peri-operative metabolic sequelac of elective abdominal aortic surgery. In 22 patients microdialysis catheters were inserted subcutaneously in the lower leg as well as the shoulder serving as a reference topographic region. Lactate, pyruvate and glycerol, which indicate ischemia or reperfusion, were measured. We observed severe metabolic changes within the interstitial fluid of the lower extremity during ischemia followed by normalization during reperfusion. Despite high interstitial concentrations of lactate and glycerol indicating severe ischemia during clamping of the abdominal aorta these parameters returned to pre-operative values within 2 hrs after declamping and all patients recovered completely. ⋯ Subcutaneous microdialysis was able to detect metabolic changes due to ischemia during clamping of the abdominal aorta as well as reperfusion there after. It is a suitable technique to monitor the peri-operative course of the dependent tissue after abdominal aortic vascular surgery.