Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2023
Randomized Controlled TrialIntubation using video laryngeal mask airway SaCoVLM and laryngeal mask airway Ambu® Aura-i in anesthetized children with microtia: a randomized controlled study.
The Ambu Aura-i laryngeal mask is considered to be a device for blind intubation as well as for fiberoptic guided intubation. The novel video laryngeal airway mask SaCoVLM is a supraglottic airway device that allows intubation under direct vision. We hypothesized that success rates for device placement and tracheal intubation with the SaCoVLM would be comparable with the Ambu Aura-i mask. A prospective, randomized clinical trial was conducted from March 2021 to December 2021. ⋯ The time for removal was slower in the SaCoVLM group than in the Ambu Aura-i group (20.8 s ± 0.8 versus 14.7 s ± 6.1; p < 0.01). The airway leak pressure was higher in the SaCoVLM group than in the Ambu Aura-i group (27.0 s ± 1.0 versus 22.3 s ± 3.6; p < 0.01), and the incidence of blood staining was higher in the SaCoVLM group (16.7%). The SaCoVLM has an overall comparable performance to the Ambu Aura-i mask. However, the SaCoVLM is better relative to direct intubation without the assistance of a flexible intubation scope, which reduces the device's demand.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2023
Comparative StudyA comparison of the NeurOs® and the INVOS 5100C® cerebral oximeter during variations of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and fractional inspiratory concentration of oxygen.
This prospective method comparison study compared cerebral oxygen saturation (ScO2) measurement performance of the new cerebral oximeter (NeurOs®, Mespere LifeSciences, Ontario, Canada) in comparison to the established INVOS 5100C® (Medtronic, Boulder, USA) cerebral oximeter. We performed measurements during different levels of carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2) during hyper- and hypoventilation and different levels of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) induced by variation of the inspiratory fraction of oxygen (FiO2). 59 anesthetized cardiac and vascular surgical patients were studied during hemodynamically stable conditions. Two versions of the NeurOs® oximeter were used in 39 and 20 patients, respectively: an older version with one bi-hemispherical sensor attached to the midline of the forehead and a newer version with two sensors that were attached to the left and right forehead. ⋯ The ScO2 measurement performance of the NeurOs® cerebral oximeter is not interchangeable with the INVOS® cerebral oximeter during variations of ventilation and oxygenation in elective cardiac or vascular surgical patients. The lack of reactivity to changes in ventilation (by variation of PaCO2) and oxygen delivery (by variation of FiO2) question the reliability of NeurOs® measurements to reflect changes in cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen balance. This holds true not only for different sensor positions at the forehead but also for different modes of penetration.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2023
Sevoflurane consumption pattern by individual anaesthesiologists varies widely despite using the same high-end workstations in the same hospital.
Volatile anaesthetics are potent greenhouse gasses but contemporary workstations enable considerable savings while improving patient safety. Institutions may provide this technology to reduce the ecological footprint but proper training and motivation is required to maximize their ecologic and financial benefit. This study aims to compare the sevoflurane consumption of 22 anaesthesiologists in a medium sized hospital 4 years after flow-i workstations (Getinge, Sweden) entered into service, in three airway approaches: intubated patients, laryngeal mask ventilation, and mask anaesthesia. ⋯ The typical CO2 equivalent emissions (GWP20) per anaesthesiologist varied between 8.0 and 19.6 kg/45 min in intubated airways, between 7.9 and 16.3 kg/45 min in LMA, and between 3.6 and 22.3 kg/8 min in mask ventilation. Despite using the same workstations in the same hospital, the typical sevoflurane consumption differed dramatically between 22 anaesthesiologists. In addition to providing advanced workstations, proper education is required to achieve the behavior change needed to reduce the pollution and financial waste associated with volatile anaesthetics.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2023
Benefits of secretion clearance with high frequency percussive ventilation in tracheostomized critically ill patients: a pilot study.
Clearance of secretions remains a challenge in ventilated patients. Despite high-frequency percussive ventilation (HFPV) showing benefits in patients with cystic fibrosis and neuromuscular disorders, very little is known about its effects on other patient categories. Therefore, we designed a physiological pilot study investigating the effects on lung aeration and gas exchange of short HFPV cycles in tracheostomized patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. ⋯ The ratio between arterial partial pressure and inspired fraction of oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) also increased after the treatment (p < 0.001 for all comparison) whereas TIV (p = 0.132) and GI (p = 0.114) remained unchanged. Short cycles of HFPV superimposed to mechanical ventilation promoted alveolar recruitment, as suggested by improved ∆EELI, and improved oxygenation in tracheostomized patients with high load of secretion. Trial Registration Prospectively registered on (NCT05200507; dated 6th January 2022).
J Clin Monit Comput · Jun 2023
Controlled Clinical TrialAgreement of somatic and renal near-infrared spectroscopy with reference blood samples during a controlled hypoxia sequence: a healthy volunteer study.
O3® Regional Oximetry (Masimo Corporation, California, USA) is validated for cerebral oximetry. We aimed to assess agreement of somatic and renal near-infrared spectroscopy with reference blood samples. ⋯ O3 regional oximetry can be used on the quadriceps and flank to monitor somatic saturation, yet has a saturation-level dependent bias. O3-derived values obtained at the flank underestimated renal reference values. Additionally, it is unlikely that the flank sensors did directly measure renal tissue.