Langenbeck's archives of surgery
Langenbecks Arch Surg · Mar 2009
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyProcalcitonin (PCT)-guided algorithm reduces length of antibiotic treatment in surgical intensive care patients with severe sepsis: results of a prospective randomized study.
Adequate indication and duration of administration are central issues of modern antibiotic treatment in intensive care medicine. The biochemical variable procalcitonin (PCT) is known to indicate systemically relevant bacterial infections with high accuracy. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the clinical usefulness of PCT for guiding antibiotic treatment in surgical intensive care patients with severe sepsis. ⋯ Monitoring of PCT is a helpful tool for guiding antibiotic treatment in surgical intensive care patients with severe sepsis. This may contribute to an optimized antibiotic regimen with beneficial effects on microbial resistances and costs in intensive care medicine.
Langenbecks Arch Surg · Mar 2009
Multicenter StudyAdult living donor liver transplantation: body mass index and MELD score of recipients are independent risk factors for hospital mortality.
Adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) has been established as elective procedure or urgent procedure to save the life of patients with terminal liver diseases. The outcome of LDLT varies between transplant centers. Here, we aim to evaluate the outcome of LDLT in our center and to identify the risk factors that are associated with hospital mortality of recipients. ⋯ Adult living donor liver transplantation should be reserved to less "sick" patients in the era of organ allocation based on MELD score.
Langenbecks Arch Surg · Mar 2009
Comparative StudyHalf clamping of the infrahepatic inferior vena cava reduces bleeding during a hepatectomy by decreasing the central venous pressure.
Bleeding from the hepatic vein is closely related to central venous pressure (CVP). To evaluate the effect of low central venous pressure during a hepatectomy, the infrahepatic inferior vena cava (IVC) was half clamped. ⋯ Using the half clamping technique of the IVC, intra-operative CVP was maintained below 3 mmHg without any side effects, and the low CVP significantly reduced the bleeding from hepatic veins during a major hepatectomy.
Langenbecks Arch Surg · Mar 2009
Multicenter StudyDirect hemoperfusion with polymyxin-B-immobilized fiber columns improves septic hypotension and reduces inflammatory mediators in septic patients with colorectal perforation.
Although some studies have reported favorable effects of direct hemoperfusion with polymyxin-B-immobilized fiber columns (PMX) for the treatment of septic shock, few studies have demonstrated the efficacy of PMX in studies with a uniform case definition and without any other blood purification techniques. ⋯ Our findings suggested that PMX treatment appears to adsorb endotoxin and also modulates circulating cytokine during a 2-h interval of direct hemoperfusion in septic patients with such condition.
Prehospital triage is aimed at getting the right patient to the right hospital. Evaluations on the performance of prehospital triage tools are scarce. This study examines the ability of the American College of Surgeons' Committee on Trauma (ACSCOT) triage guidelines to identify major trauma patients in a European trauma system. Furthermore, this study evaluates the predictive power of other prehospital measurements. ⋯ The new triage model outperforms the ACSCOT triage guidelines in identifying major trauma patients in the prehospital setting. The new triage guidelines may improve patient outcomes but needs to be validated in a prospective study.