Journal of palliative medicine
Background: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) are defined as physical/mental impairments before age 18. Not only are many IDD patients living into adulthood, but deinstitutionalization has also led to most living in community settings. Little is known about end-of-life needs in these adults, and existing literature does not examine attitudes of Canadian providers. Objective: Thematic and content analysis examined attitudes of Canadian Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) practitioners on caring for adults with IDD to identify components of care, which could be improved. Design: An anonymized survey was created ( using open-ended and Likert-scale questions, with thematic/subthematic coding on NVivo11. ⋯ Knowledge ratings of adult palliative care and generalist practitioners by respondents were evenly distributed, but only pediatricians gave ratings of poor or worse. PPC practitioners are comfortable being consulted by adult palliative care and generalist colleagues. However, frequency of consults varied dramatically, from one to two times/month in British Columbia to never. Conclusions: PPC practitioners across Canada identified several major issues and barriers to optimal palliative care for adults with IDD.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Switching Ratio from Parenteral to Oral Methadone 1:1.2 Is Safer Compared with Ratio 1:2 in Patients with Controlled Cancer Pain: A Multicenter Randomized-Controlled Trial (RATIOMTD-010810).
Background: The most commonly used switching ratio from parenteral to oral methadone is 1:2. Methadone is highly bioavailable and a lower ratio might result in similar analgesia with less toxicity. Objective: To compare success and side effects with two ratios from parenteral to oral methadone: 1:2 versus 1:1.2 in hospitalized patients with cancer pain. ⋯ Conclusion: Ratio 1:1.2 when changing from parenteral to oral methadone resulted in lower toxicity and no difference in analgesia. More conservative dose adjustment during methadone route change should be considered. European Clinical Trials Register (EudraCT No. 2010-024092-39).
Over 140,000 people in the United States have died as a result of infection with COVID-19. These patients have varying death experiences based on their location of death, the availability and utilization of various medical technologies, the amount of strain on the local health care system, the involvement of specialist palliative care (PC) teams, and access to essential medications to alleviate symptoms at the end of life. The objective of this report is to describe the death experiences of four patients cared for in an urban academic medical center who received very different degrees of medical interventions and to examine the interventions of our interdisciplinary PC team. We conclude that PC teams must adapt to this new landscape by creating best practices for ensuring adequate symptom control, modifying approaches for withdrawal of life-sustaining medical technologies, and gaining facility with communication through teleconferencing platforms to meet the challenge of alleviating suffering for people dying from COVID-19.
Background: Nearly 3 million U. S. family caregivers support someone with cancer. However, oncology clinic-based service lines that proactively screen, assess, and support cancer caregivers are nearly nonexistent. ⋯ The palliative care nurse performed 235 distress screenings and provided support that included 68 documented instances of emotional, problem-solving, and educational support, 41 nurse-facilitated communications with the neuro-oncology team about patient issues, and 24 referrals to UAB and community services (e.g., counseling). The most common problems caregivers wanted assistance with included: managing their relative's health condition and symptoms (51%), coordinating care/services (21%), and planning for the future/advance care planning (17%). Discussion: The FamilyStrong Program is among the first "real world" oncology clinic-based formal support services for advance cancer family caregivers.
Randomized Controlled Trial
The Development of the Australian National Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative "Integrating Qualitative Research into Clinical Trials Framework".
Qualitative methodologies have multiple contributions to health research, including improving baseline understanding in new areas of enquiry; questioning existing assumptions; understanding viewpoints of specific subgroups; and offering complex, contextual information. While the role of qualitative research within mixed methods approaches is well documented, the contribution to clinical trial design and conduct is less well recognized. ⋯ This practical framework provides real-world examples, including sample qualitative questions, to consider at each phase of controlled clinical trial development. As the number of randomized clinical trials in palliative care increases, a readily accessible approach to integrating qualitative research into clinical trial design and conduct is needed so that its full potential for improving study recruitment, conduct, outcomes, interpretation, and implementation may be realized.