Journal of palliative medicine
Background: Gastrostomy (feeding) tubes are one way of managing swallowing impairments (dysphagia) in patients living with serious illnesses. For patients, families, and health care providers to make well-informed, preference-aligned decisions regarding gastrostomy tube placement, each group must understand the other's goals, concerns, and perspectives. Objective: Thus, the goal of this scoping review is to characterize the factors influencing gastrostomy tube placement decisions for people with serious illnesses. ⋯ Finally, health care providers prioritized decisional control (58% of studies), knowledge (53%), quality of life (47%), extending life (42%), and societal factors (42%). Conclusions: Our results highlight key factors that may help center patient preferences when making gastrostomy tube-related decisions, as well as critical areas where more research is needed to help improve decision-making surrounding gastrostomy tube placement. Providing adequate knowledge and understanding patient preferences is critical for patients to make high-quality medical decisions regarding gastrostomy tubes.
Context: Psychiatric and existential distress are common and difficult-to-treat symptoms that are frequently encountered in the palliative care setting; current treatment options are limited in efficacy and tolerability. Psychedelic-assisted therapies (PAT) have gained public and scientific interest in their potential to induce rapid and effective reductions in psychiatric and existential distress in patients with serious medical illness, but remain available only in the research setting. Ketamine as a pharmacologic agent has a large body of evidence in the treatment of refractory depression. ⋯ Conclusion: Evidence suggests that ketamine may induce rapid and transient improvements in psychiatric symptoms in patients with serious medical illness. A large gap in research exists for KAP and symptoms of existential distress. There is a signal that suggests ketamine could be used in a psychedelic therapy model with potential benefits over classical psychedelics.
Background: Constipation is an uncomfortable symptom experienced by many patients with advanced cancer, and it decreases the quality of life. Several studies have advised pharmacological therapies for constipation management, whereas others have promoted nonpharmacological approaches that promote changes in the patient's lifestyle. However, constipation management by nurses has not yet been systematically reviewed in patients with cancer. ⋯ All included studies showed the effectiveness of nonpharmacological interventions to improve constipation. Conclusion: This study also identified three types of nursing support for patients with cancer to relieve constipation. However, because of the small sample size, further evidence is required.
Background: Constipation is an uncomfortable symptom experienced by many patients with advanced cancer, and it decreases the quality of life. Several studies have advised pharmacological therapies for constipation management, whereas others have promoted nonpharmacological approaches that promote changes in the patient's lifestyle. However, constipation management by nurses has not yet been systematically reviewed in patients with cancer. ⋯ All included studies showed the effectiveness of nonpharmacological interventions to improve constipation. Conclusion: This study also identified three types of nursing support for patients with cancer to relieve constipation. However, because of the small sample size, further evidence is required.