Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
Pregnant African American women who report higher levels of social disorder (e.g., vacant housing, drug dealing) in their neighborhoods also report higher levels of depressive symptoms. The effects of social disorder in the neighborhood during childhood on depressive symptoms during pregnancy are not known. Also unknown is the interaction between social disorders in the neighborhood during childhood and during pregnancy regarding depressive symptoms during pregnancy. ⋯ Women who reported both low levels of social disorder in their neighborhoods during childhood and during pregnancy had the lowest CES-D scores after controlling for maternal age, marital status, years of education, and family income. The model had a good fit to the data (χ2(6) = 6.36, p = .38). Health care providers should inquire about neighborhood conditions during childhood and during pregnancy and provide referrals for appropriate professional and community support for women who report social disorder in their neighborhoods and depressive symptoms.
This study analyzes data from a new Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance (UHDSS) in five slums in Dhaka (North and South) and Gazipur City Corporations to examine the relationship between migration status and maternal and child health service utilization. Migration status was determined by duration in urban slums (<= 9.99 years, 10-19.99 years, 20+ years, and urban-born). Compared to those born in the city, migrants were characterized by significant disadvantages in every maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH) indicator under study, including antenatal care, facility-based delivery, doctor-assisted delivery, child immunization, caesarean-section delivery, and use of modern contraceptives. ⋯ Women who were engaged in market employment were less likely to receive adequate coverage, suggesting a tradeoff between livelihood attainment and mother-and-child health. After controlling for these socioeconomic and neighborhood variations in coverage, the duration gradient was diminished but still significant. In line with existing studies of healthcare access, this study highlights the persistent and widespread burden of unequal access to maternal and child health care facing migrants to slum areas, even relative to the overall disadvantages experienced in informal settlements.
Despite a proliferation of research on neighborhood effects on health, how neighborhood economic development, in the form of gentrification, affects health and well-being in the USA is poorly understood, and no systematic assessment of the potential health impacts has been conducted. Further, we know little about whether health impacts differ for residents of neighborhoods undergoing gentrification versus urban development, or other forms of neighborhood socioeconomic ascent. We followed current guidelines for systematic reviews and present data on the study characteristics of the 22 empirical articles that met our inclusion criteria and were published on associations between gentrification, and similar but differently termed processes (e.g., urban regeneration, urban development, neighborhood upgrading), and health published between 2000 and 2018. ⋯ Studies of the health impacts of gentrification, urban development, and urban regeneration describe similar processes, and synthesis and comparison of their results helps bridge differing theoretical approaches to this emerging research. Our article helps to inform the debate on the impacts of gentrification and urban development for health and suggests that these neighborhood change processes likely have both detrimental and beneficial effects on health. Given the influence of place on health and the trend of increasing gentrification and urban development in many American cities, we discuss how future research can approach understanding and researching the impacts of these processes for population health.
Perceived discrimination based on criminal record is associated with social determinants of health such as housing and employment. However, there is limited data on discrimination based on criminal record within health care settings. We examined how perceived discrimination based on criminal record within health care settings, among individuals with a history of incarceration, was associated with self-reported general health status. ⋯ Participants reporting discrimination due to criminal record had increased odds of reporting fair/poor health. The association between perceived discrimination by health care providers due to criminal record and health should be explored in future longitudinal studies among individuals at high risk of incarceration. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT01863290.
The black-white disparity in preterm birth has been well documented in the USA. The racial/ethnic composition of a neighborhood, as a marker of segregation, has been considered as an underlying cause of the racial difference in preterm birth. However, past literature using cross-sectional measures of neighborhood racial/ethnic composition has shown mixed results. ⋯ Furthermore, while black women's odds of preterm birth was relatively unaffected by neighborhood proportions of the Latinx or non-Hispanic white population, white women had the highest odds of preterm birth in neighborhoods characterized by a steady high proportion Latinx or a steady low proportion non-Hispanic white. Black-white differences were the highest in neighborhoods characterized by a steady high proportion white. Findings suggest that white women are most protected from preterm birth when living in neighborhoods with a steady high concentration of whites or in neighborhoods with a steady low concentration of Latinxs, whereas black women experience high rates of preterm birth regardless of proportion white or Latinx.