Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
Alcohol outlet clusters are an important social determinant of health in cities, but little is known about the populations exposed to them. If outlets cluster in neighborhoods comprised of specific racial/ethnic or economic groups, then they may function as a root cause of urban health disparities. This study used 2016 liquor license data (n = 1204) from Baltimore City, Maryland, and demographic data from the American Community Survey. ⋯ CBGs with racial/ethnic or socioeconomic advantage had higher odds of being in on-premise clusters and CBGs marked by disinvestment had higher odds of being in off-premise clusters. Off-premise clusters deserve closer examination from a policy perspective, to mitigate their potential role in creating and perpetuating social and health disparities. In addition to addressing redlining and disinvestment, the current negative effects of alcohol outlet clusters that have grown up in redlined and disinvested areas must be addressed if inequities in these neighborhoods are to be reversed.
Sexual violence victimization is unacceptably common in the US, with nearly half of women and one in five men reporting lifetime sexual coercion and/or unwanted sexual contact; much violence occurs in campus settings. The majority of sexual violence prevention programs designed to date were not developed around the needs of urban commuter campus students. The present study explored qualitatively how these students conceptualize sexual violence and prevention. ⋯ Commuter students used "gut feelings" to identify sexual violence, reporting minimal direct consent communication. Intersecting social identities and multiple, concurrent roles limit the potential impact of existing prevention programs. Further research to design and evaluate tailored sexual violence prevention programming for urban commuter campus students is needed.
This study examines the prevalence, correlates, and mental health consequences of sexual misconduct by law enforcement and criminal justice (LECJ) personnel. Baseline data for Project E-WORTH (Empowering African-American Women on the Road to Health) were collected between November 2015 and May 2018 from 351 drug-involved Black women from community corrections in New York City. LECJ sexual misconduct was self-reported and we measured mental health outcomes with the CESD-4 and the PTSD Checklist. ⋯ These findings suggest that LECJ sexual misconduct is a previously unreported risk factor for adverse mental health outcomes among criminal-legal system-involved women. There is a need for recognition of LECJ sexual victimization among criminal-legal system-involved women. As such, prevention, treatment, and community corrections service delivery for this population should be trauma informed.
Women who experience housing instability are at high risk for violence and have disproportionately high rates of emergency department (ED) use. However, little has been done to characterize the violence they experience, or to understand how it may be related to ED use. We recruited homeless and unstably housed women from San Francisco shelters, free meal programs, and single room occupancy (SRO) hotels. ⋯ Only violence perpetrated by someone who was not a primary intimate partner was significantly associated with ED use when violence was categorized by perpetrator. The need to reduce violence in this population is urgent. In the context of health care delivery, policies to facilitate trauma-informed ED care and strategies that increase access to non-ED care, such as street-based medicine, could have substantial impact on the health of women who experience homelessness and housing instability.
Recent attention to the interrelationship between racism, socioeconomic status (SES) and health has led to a small, but growing literature of empirical work on the role of structural racism in population health. Area-level racial inequities in SES are an indicator of structural racism, and the associations between structural racism indicators and self-rated health are unknown. Further, because urban-rural differences have been observed in population health and are associated with different manifestations of structural racism, explicating the role of urban-rural classification is warranted. ⋯ The associations between structural racism and fair/poor health varied by county urban-rural classification. Potential mechanisms include the concentration of resources in racially segregated counties with high racial inequities that lead to better health outcomes, but are associated with extreme black SES disadvantage. Racial inequities in SES are a social justice imperative with implications for population health that can be targeted by urban-rural classification and other social contextual characteristics.