National vital statistics reports : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System
This report presents injury mortality data for 2002 using the external-cause-of-injury mortality matrix for the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). The external cause matrix is a detailed and comprehensive framework for tabulating and presenting injury deaths by mechanism and intent of death. Data are presented by age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, and State. In addition, trend data are shown for 1999-2002 by age, sex, and mechanism and intent of injury. This report also introduces the injury mortality diagnosis matrix. This latter is another framework that categorizes the nearly 1,200 injury diagnosis codes from ICD-10's chapter 19 according to body region and nature of the injury diagnosis information captured in the multiple-cause-of-death fields of the national mortality file. This report supplements the annual report of final mortality statistics. ⋯ Injury mortality data presented in this report using the external cause-of-injury mortality matrix for ICD-10 provide detail on the mechanism of death needed for research and other activities related to injury prevention. This report highlights the importance of multiple causes-of-death data when analyzing injury mortality--special attention is given to the issue of accuracy and completeness of information as it pertains to these data. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is involved in several ongoing projects related to the study of injury and injury mortality.