The journal of mental health policy and economics
In the US, the spiraling costs of substance abuse and mental health treatment caused many state Medicaid agencies to adopt managed behavioral health care (MBHC) plans during the 1990s. Although research suggests that these plans have successfully reduced public sector spending, their impact on the quality of substance abuse treatment has not been established. ⋯ The impact of managed behavioral health care should ideally be evaluated in randomized controlled studies. In addition, research is needed to establish that the quality measures employed in this evaluation - improved access, enhanced continuity and fewer rapid re-admissions actually correspond to reductions in drug or alcohol use and other favorable outcomes obtained through client self-report or urinalysis.
J Ment Health Policy Econ · Dec 2002
Consistency in performance evaluation reports and medical records.
In the health care market managed care has become the latest innovation for the delivery of services. For efficient implementation, the managed care organization relies on accurate information. So clinicians are often asked to report on patients before referrals are approved, treatments authorized, or insurance claims processed. What are clinicians responses to solicitation for information by managed care organizations? The existing health literature has already pointed out the importance of provider gaming, sincere reporting, nudging, and dodging the rules. ⋯ Our work in this paper on the data sets confirms the statistical significance of strategic reporting in alcohol addiction treatment. It will be of interest to confirm our finding in other data sets. Our on-going research will model the motives behind strategic reporting. We will hypothesize that both altruistic and financial incentives are present. Our empirical identification strategy will use Maine s Performance-Based Contracting system and client insurance sources to test how these incentives affect the direction of clinician s strategic reporting.