Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
A survey of the nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide (CO) levels in mainstream smoke from 21 brands of bidi cigarettes and five brands of traditional cigarettes was conducted using a variation of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) standardized cigarette smoking machine method. The primary difference between this method and the FTC method was a reduction of the 60-s puff interval to 15 s. The shorter puff interval was required to prevent the bidi cigarettes from self-extinguishing and may represent a closer approximation to human usage. ⋯ Thus, a filtered bidi cigarette brand does not provide any harm-reduction benefit that might result from a reduction in levels of tar, nicotine, and CO compared with an unfiltered variety. Our findings indicate that bidi cigarettes can deliver high levels of tar (77.9+/-9.5 mg/bidi), nicotine (2.7+/-.4 mg/bidi), and CO (39.2+/-5.7 mg/bidi). In comparison, traditional cigarettes smoked using the bidi cigarette protocol have lower tar and CO yields, but have nicotine deliveries comparable with bidi cigarettes.