Dose Response
Although animal models have demonstrated dexmedetomidine (DEX) as neuroprotective in craniocerebral and subarachnoid injuries, but its role in humans remains to be elucidated. The objectives of the study were to compare plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), cytokine, and superoxide dismutase levels of patients between those who received intraoperative DEX and those who received intraoperative normal saline (NSE) during peripheral or emergency neurologic surgeries. ⋯ III.
Interindividual variability in polymorphic uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) ascribed to genetic diversity is associated with relative glucuronidation level among individuals. The present research was aimed to study the effect of 2 important single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; rs8330 and rs10929303) of UGT1A1 gene on glucuronidation status of acetaminophen in healthy volunteers (n = 109). Among enrolled volunteers, 54.13% were male (n = 59) and 45.87% were female (n = 50). ⋯ A trimodal distribution (fast, intermediate, and slow) based on phenotypes was observed. Among the male participants, the glucuronidation phenotypes were observed as 7% slow, 37% intermediate, and 56% fast glucuronidators; however, these findings for the females were slightly different as 8%, 32%, and 60% respectively. The k-statistics revealed a compelling evidence for good concordance between phenotype and genotype with a k value of 1.00 for SNP rs8330 and 0.966 for SNP rs10929303 in our population.
Numerous contaminants in indoor air and their potential to cause or exacerbate asthma continue to be a subject of public health concern. Many agents are causally associated with or can exacerbate asthma, particularly in children. For formaldehyde, an established respiratory irritant based on numerous studies, the evidence for an association with asthma is still considered only limited or suggestive. ⋯ Acrolein, but not formaldehyde, was significantly associated with asthma in a large cohort of children. This prompted an evaluation of this highly irritating chemical that had never previously been considered in the context of the indoor air/childhood asthma issue. Because acrolein is more potent than formaldehyde as a respiratory irritant and ubiquitous in indoor air, it is plausible that previous studies on potential risk factors and childhood asthma may be confounded by formaldehyde acting as an unrecognized proxy for acrolein.
Three aspects of hormesis with low doses of ionizing radiation are presented: the good, the bad, and the ugly. The good is acceptance by France, Japan, and China of the thousands of studies showing stimulation and/or benefit, with no harm, from low dose irradiation. This includes thousands of people who live in good health with high background radiation. ⋯ The LNT concept leads to poor health, unreasonable medicine and oppressed industries. The ugly is decades of deception by medical and radiation committees which refuse to consider valid evidence of radiation hormesis in cancer, other diseases, and health. Specific examples are provided for the good, the bad, and the ugly in radiation hormesis.