Interv Neuroradiol
Valavanis A, Pangalu A, Tanaka M. Endovascular treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations with emphasis on the curative role of embolisation. Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 2004;155:341-7. ⋯ Precise angiographic analysis of the vascular composition and intrinsic angioarchitecture of the nidus of the arteriovenous malformation by super-selective microcatheterisation is required to identify the types of feeding arteries and patterns of their supply, the number and vascular connections of nidal compartments, the types of arteriovenous shunts, the morphology of the vascular spaces composing the nidus and the number and exit patterns of draining veins. Complete angiographic investigation for recognition of secondarily induced phenomena of the cerebral vasculature, such as arterial and venous high-flow angiopathy and so-called perinidal angiogenesis is essential for a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of the associated haemorrhagic risk. Based on a precise topographic classification, detailed angioarchitectural analysis, application of superselective multimicrocatheterisation techniques along with a controlled intranidal injection of non-absorbable liquid embolic materials, nearly 40% of cerebral arteriovenous malformations can be completely and stably obliterated and therefore curatively treated by single session or multistaged embolisation with a morbidity of 1.3% and a mortality of 13%. which arc lower than the known natural history of this disease.