Interv Neuroradiol
Aneurysm embolization using Guglielmi detachable coils(GDC) is gaining acceptance as a viable alternative to surgery in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms. During GDC treatment of cerebral aneurysms, thromboembolic events are the most frequent complications. As risk factors of thromboembolic events, large aneurysms, wide-necked aneurysms, use of the balloon-assisted technique and protruding coils into the parent arteries are previously reported. ⋯ Finally, two patiens were discharged with permanent minimal deficits (hypoesthesia only) and one with moderate hemiparesis. The infarctions related to the GDC procedures were more common sequelae in wide-necked aneurysms and coil protrusions, especially loop type protrusion. Although permanent neurological deficits were rare, the high rate of thromboembolic events associated with coil protrusion suggest that more aggressive medical treatment should be considered.