Adv Exp Med Biol
Substance addiction (or drug addiction) is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by a recurring desire to continue taking the drug despite harmful consequences. Non-substance addiction (or behavioral addiction) covers pathological gambling, food addiction, internet addiction, and mobile phone addiction. Their definition is similar to drug addiction but they differ from each other in specific domains. This review aims to provide a brief overview of past and current definitions of substance and non-substance addiction, and also touches on the topic of diagnosing drug addiction and non-drug addiction, ultimately aiming to further the understanding of the key concepts needed for a foundation to study the biological and psychological underpinnings of addiction disorders.
Basic knowledge of pulmonary embolism is relevant to most practicing physicians. Many medical specialties care for patients with increased risk of pulmonary embolism, why recognition of relevant symptoms, a thorough medical history, assessment of the clinical condition of the patient and possibly referral to a relevant facility should be a part of the skills of all clinicians. ⋯ The information available from the medical history, clinical assessment and basic investigation form the basis on which the decision about further diagnostic imaging and intensity of treatment and monitoring can be made. These decisions can be guided by clinical scoring systems like the Wells score, revised Geneva score and the PESI.
Lung cancer is the leader malignancy worldwide accounting 1.5 millions of deaths every year. In the United States the 5 year-overall survival is less than 20% for all the newly diagnosed patients. Cisplatin-based cytotoxic chemotherapy for unresectable or metastatic NSCLC patients in the first line of treatment, and docetaxel in the second line, have achieved positive results but with limited benefit in overall survival. ⋯ In the other side high PD-1 expression patients that undergo immunotherapy treatment achieve better results in terms of survival with lesser toxicity. Combining different immunotherapy treatments, combination of immunotherapy with chemotherapy or with targeted treatment are under research with some promising PRELIMINARY results in non-small cell lung cancer patients. This chapter attempts to summarize the development of immunotherapy treatment in non-small cell lung cancer patients and explain the results that have leaded immunotherapy as a new standard of treatment in selected NSCLC patients.
With rapid urbanization and development of transport infrastructure, air pollution caused by multiple-pollutant emissions and vehicle exhaust has been aggravated year by year in China. In order to improve air quality, the Chinese authorities have taken a series of actions to control air pollution emission load within a permissible range. However, although China has made positive progress on tackling air pollution, these actions have not kept up with its economy growth and fossil-fuel use. ⋯ In this chapter, we first review the past and current circumstances of China's responses to air pollution. Then we discuss the control challenges and future options for a better air quality in China. Finally, we begin to unravel links between air pollution and climate change, providing new opportunities for integrated research and actions in China.
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) which includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) is a severe complication in critically ill patients generally affected by multiorgan disfunction associated with immobilization also prolonged. Nowadays, VTE prophylaxis is included in the requirements of hospital accreditation and evaluation of the maintenance of standards of quality of care. ICU patients are characterized by a dynamic day-to-day variation both of thromboembolic that bleeding risk and DVT incidence in presence of thromboprophylaxis ranges between 5 and 15 %. ⋯ DVT diagnosis is not clinical but imaging-based and in each ICU data on DVT incidence (DVT diagnosed 72 h after ICU admission) should be obtained by weekly ultrasound screening standardized for the anatomical sites of compression used, taking into account the persistence of DVT-risk throughout ICU stay. A role for mechanical thromboprophylaxis by elastic stockings or pneumatic compression was reported but no general consensus was reached about its use at the best. Much work has to be done but ICU remain the last frontier for VTE prophylaxis.