Curr Ther Res Clin E
Curr Ther Res Clin E · May 2005
Levetiracetam in the preventive treatmentof transformed migraine: A prospective, open-label, pilot study.
Most preventive agents used for transformed migraine (TM)have not been studied specifically for the treatment of this syndrome. Open-label trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of levetiracetam in the treatment of refractory headaches. ⋯ The results of this study in patients with TM support the role of levetiracetam in the preventive treatment of refractory TM.
Curr Ther Res Clin E · May 2005
Effectiveness and tolerability of once-daily nimesulide versus ibuprofen in pain management after surgical extraction of an impacted third molar: A 24-hour, double-blind, randomized, double-dummy, parallel-group study.
Nimesulide is a nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drug that hasbeen used for a wide range of acute and chronic pain. A once-daily formulation of nimesulide is now commercially available, but its effectiveness in pain management after dental surgery has not been assessed. ⋯ In this study of patients with moderate to severe pain afterextraction of impacted third molars, nimesulide and ibuprofen provided effective 24-hour relief. However, the results suggest that the analgesic effect of nimesulide had a faster onset (<15 minutes) and was stronger (based on patient opinion) than that of ibuprofen. Both study drugs were well tolerated.