Curr Ther Res Clin E
Curr Ther Res Clin E · Aug 2011
Effects of 2 different doses of pregabalin on morphine consumption and pain after abdominal hysterectomy: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial.
Pregabalin has a similar pharmacologic profile to that of its developmental predecessor gabapentin but has shown greater analgesic activity in rodent models of neuropathic pain. ⋯ Pregabalin at a total dose of 600 mg, administered before operation and at 12 hours postoperatively after abdominal hysterectomy, reduced morphine consumption and pain intensity and increased patient satisfaction. No significant differences in side effects were observed between the study groups.
Curr Ther Res Clin E · Aug 2011
Effects of bupivacaine versus levobupivacaine on pulmonary function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease undergoing urologic surgery: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.
There are limited data to determine the impact of subarachnoid blockade with local anesthetics on perioperative pulmonary function. The effects of local anesthetics used in spinal anesthesia are very important in terms of respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ⋯ In 50 patients with moderate COPD undergoing urologic surgery, hyperbaric bupivacaine caused a decrease in intraoperative PEFR compared with baseline because of higher level block; however, the effects of hyperbaric bupivacaine and isobaric levobupivacaine on pulmonary function in these patients showed equally effective potencies for spinal anesthesia.