Indian J Med Res
Statins are one of the most widely used drugs and have antilipidemic effects as well as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic and anti-tumorigenic effects. It has been shown that the synergistic combinations of statins which can provide better clinical benefit in the treatment of cancer and if administered with other anticancer agents, may be an alternative treatment modality. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of administrating statin in multiple myeloma (MM) cell line on cell proliferation. ⋯ Our in vitro results indicated that atorvastatin and simvastatin when used along with the conventional treatment in myeloma patients, may improve the effectiveness of the standard therapy and prevent the bortezomib-induced cytotoxic and neurotoxic side effects when used at a low dose. Further studies need to be done in MM patints to confirm these findings.
The public health ramifications of marital violence are well documented and include injury, mental health concerns and physical health consequences for women and their offspring. Unfortunately, there remains social tolerance and even acceptance of these abuses against women, and health systems in India have done little to support victims despite their greater health risks. However, there are promising efforts and important advancements in India that could be built on for more effective prevention and support for women. ⋯ We must support women and girls vulnerable to marital violence, a group disproportionately affected by violence in their natal families as well, so they know that violence need not be part of their marriage relationship, and have skills on how to engage and communicate with or even leave their male partners to reduce their risk for violence. Formal services should be expanded for those in immediate danger and particularly for rural areas, where prevalence of marital violence is highest and supports are weakest. Finally, given the pervasiveness of attitudes accepting husbands' marital violence against women, and the fact that these have remained largely unchanged in India for a decade, large scale community and social change efforts are needed.
Tumour budding is a feature of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation that is characterized histologically within the tumour stroma by the presence of isolated cells or clusters of less than five cells which are different from the other malignant cells. This could be present around the invasive margin of the tumour, called peritumoural budding, or in the bulk of the tumour, called intratumoural budding. The aim of this study was to assess the predictive power of tumour budding for lymph node metastasis and its relationship with other features of tumour progression in colorectal carcinoma (CRC). ⋯ Our findings indicate that tumour budding in preoperative biopsy and resection specimens may predict a possibility of finding LNM in patients with CRC.
All individuals are exposed to certain chemical, physical, biological, environmental as well as occupational factors. The data pertaining to role of these factors on female reproduction are scanty as compared to male. The available data suggest the adverse effects of certain toxicants, viz., metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury, pesticides such as bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane and organic solvent such as benzene, toluene and ionizing radiation on the female reproductive system affecting directly the organ system or impacting in directly through hormonal impairments, molecular alterations, oxidative stress and DNA methylation impairing fertility as well as pregnancy and its outcomes. Thus, there is a need for awareness and prevention programme about the adverse effects of these factors and deterioration of female reproductive health, pregnancy outcome and offspring development as some of these chemicals might affect the developing foetus at very low doses by endocrine disruptive mechanism.