Can J Emerg Med
Canadian hospitals gather few emergency department (ED) data, and most cannot track their case mix, care processes, utilization or outcomes. A standard national ED data set would enhance clinical care, quality improvement and research at a local, regional and national level. The Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, the National Emergency Nurses Affiliation and l'Association des médecins d'urgence du Québec established a joint working group whose objective was to develop a standard national ED data set that meets the information needs of Canadian EDs. ⋯ The working group identified 69 mandatory elements, 5 preferred elements and 29 optional elements representing demographic, process, clinical and utilization measures. The Canadian Emergency Department Information System data set is a feasible, relevant ED data set developed by emergency physicians and nurses and tailored to the needs of Canadian EDs. If widely adopted, it represents an important step toward a national ED information system that will enable regional, provincial and national comparisons and enhance clinical care, quality improvement and research applications in both rural and urban settings.
To clarify case mix, mode of transport and reasons for interfacility transfer from rural emergency departments (EDs) and to make recommendations for improved emergency health care delivery in rural settings. ⋯ These data suggest that rural family physicians may benefit from increased orthopedic and pediatric training and support. The study also identified a need for increased specialist availability in our rural setting. The high number of transfers for CT scans suggests that some rural health regions should consider acquiring a "regional" CT scanner. The development of a regional hospital, with a CT scanner and specialist resources, especially a general surgery on-call system, would reduce the need for transfer outside the region.
Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a feared complication of lumbar disc herniation. It is generally accepted that CES requires decompression within 6 hours of symptom onset, but this time goal is rarely met, and the relative benefit of delayed decompression on functional status and quality of life (QOL) remains unknown. The study objective was to describe the functional status and quality of life outcomes for patients who undergo delayed surgical decompression for CES. ⋯ Patients who undergo delayed decompression for CES have increased pain and impaired social and physical function. Longer delays correlate with worse functional outcomes. Beyond 24 hours, decompression delay may be associated with a poorer quality of life but, because of the rarity of CES, the sample size in this study was too small to provide definitive conclusions. Since no patients underwent surgery within 38.4 hours of symptoms, it is not possible to comment on the importance of emergent decompression in early presenters.
Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) is a specific variant of exercise-induced anaphylaxis that requires both vigorous physical activity and the ingestion of specific foods within the preceding several hours. When patients present to the emergency department (ED) with allergic reactions, careful history regarding these 2 factors is required to establish the correct diagnosis. Correct diagnosis of FDEIA will allow patients to take control of their lifestyles and avert repeated events and ED visits. Two cases of FDEIA are presented, and the diagnosis, pathophysiology and therapy of food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis are reviewed.