To determine the opinion of hospital emergency department staff on their involvement in the process of organ and tissue procurement and on aspects that might improve their participation. ⋯ The attitudes of hospital emergency department staff to organ and tissue donation are very positive, as suggested by their opinion that their own involvement in the process is the most important factor to target for improvement. These emergency physicians and nurses would like relevant protocols and training in the organ donation process.
To describe the clinical characteristics of fire smoke inhalation victims and carboxyhemoglobin values (Sp- CO) recorded with a portable pulse carbon monoxide (CO) oximeter at rescue sites in Catalonia. To assess the contribution of SpCO information to decision-making during emergency transfers. ⋯ Pulse CO-oximetry contributed to the prehospital emergency care of these patients by influencing the decision to transfer the patient to a hospital.
To compare venous catheter insertion by inexperienced medical residents using a traditional ultrasound guidance method and ultrasound with a probe to guide the needle. ⋯ In this group of residents without prior experience of venous cannulation or ultrasound guidance, significantly fewer attempts were required and the catheter was correctly inserted sooner when the needle guide was used. Furthermore, most residents felt insertion was easier when the guide was used.
To analyze the variables associated with better functional outcome 3 months after ischemic stroke treated with fibrinolytic agents. ⋯ The prognosis for the functional recovery of patients given intravenous fibrinolytic therapy after stroke depends on such factors as age, time treatment is started, severity, and the patient's status at 24 hours. The last factor is the one that is most strongly related to prognosis.