J Emerg Med
Acute otitis media is a common pediatric infection that requires appropriate evaluation of the young child to assure that there are no accompanying systemic infections or complications. The examination of the ear must not only assess the appearance of the tympanic membrane, but determine its mobility. Treatment should be initiated with antibiotics and symptomatic relief. Good follow-up must be arranged.
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Lidocaine reduces intravenous diazepam pain.
We studied 41 consecutive patients receiving intravenous (IV) diazepam in the preoperative holding area to evaluate whether low-dose IV lidocaine could ameliorate pain of the diazepam injection. In a double-blind trial we found 1 cc of 1% lidocaine effective versus placebo at lowering the incidence of pain from 80% to 5% (P less than .001) and recommend its routine use as an antecedent to IV diazepam.
The effective teaching of clinical emergency medicine to medical students requires efficiency in the management of both student and faculty time. Presented is a course outline that makes use of the following elements to structure and augment clinical time in the emergency department (ED): Videotape to present a 19.7-hour series of faculty-produced lectures covering a "core" emergency medicine curriculum. A microcomputer to facilitate staggered scheduling of clinical time. ⋯ Once established, this program can be administered with fewer than five faculty hours per month assisted by a part-time (25% full-time equivalent) clerical coordinator. The total cost for the instructional program is $86.37 per student using the new technologies, and $144.15 per student when presenting the same program using traditional teaching techniques. The use of new technologies in student teaching will therefore result in significant savings.
Superficial abscesses are commonly seen in the emergency department. In most cases, they can be adequately treated by the emergency physician without hospital admission. Treatment consists of surgical drainage with the addition of antibiotics in selected cases. ⋯ Staphylococcus aureus accounts for less than half of all cutaneous abscesses. Anaerobic bacteria are common etiologic agents in the perineum and account for the majority of all cutaneous abscesses. Abscesses at specific locations involve special consideration for diagnosis and treatment and may require specialty consultation.
The management in the emergency department of febrile infants less than 2 months of age is influenced by the standard of practice in the community. We sought to determine if uniform practices existed across the United States. Individual academically based faculty from 154 (61%) United States pediatric residency programs responding to a questionnaire on the emergency department management of febrile infants less than 2 months of age showed great variability. ⋯ Respondents differed on the number and types of tests used and on antibiotic administration. University affiliation, type of population served, or presence of advanced training programs in ambulatory pediatrics were not related to the type of policy. The care of the young febrile infant varies greatly.