J Emerg Med
This is a continuing series of objectives to direct resident training in emergency medicine. Electrocardiography may not receive individual attention in many training programs. However, the importance, omnipresence, and medicolegal potential of electrocardiography in the practice of emergency medicine suggests its individual attention. Contents and specific learning objectives are presented to provide guidelines for resident mastery, following the format presented by preceding subjects.
Review Case Reports
Intussusception associated with Henoch-Schonlein purpura.
Henoch-Schonlein purpura is a clinical diagnosis, based on a presentation including rash, arthralgia/arthritis, and abdominal pain, often with renal complications. A rare complication is intussusception, presumably initiated by an edematous vasculitic leading point in the small bowel's mucosal surface. A case is described involving a 3-year-old male, with a brief review of the literature.
Case Reports
Emergency department echocardiography in the diagnosis and therapy of cardiac tamponade.
A 44-year-old male presented to the emergency department in shock with jugular venous distension and upper chest cyanosis. Superior vena cava syndrome was ruled out by computed tomography (CT scan). However, a large pericardial effusion was found on CT scan and confirmed by sonography. Pericardial tamponade was diagnosed by emergency physicians and sonography-guided pericardiocentesis was performed with marked improvement in symptomatology.
This is the sixth article in a continuing series on objectives for emergency medicine training; otolaryngological objectives will be presented. Otolaryngological skills and knowledge areas are frequently encountered in clinical practice. The Core Content in emergency medicine devotes an entire section to their listing. ⋯ Specific behaviorally based objectives for mastery of knowledge and skill areas provide guidance in a training rotation not directly under emergency medicine faculty supervision. References are suggested for additional and supportive information and reinforcement in skill and knowledge area mastery. These objectives are presented to aid in directing training of emergency medicine residents on an otolaryngological service.