J Emerg Med
Chest injuries are the cause of death in 25% of trauma fatalities, and a major contributing factor in an additional 50%. Pneumothorax, the second most common chest injury, may often be initially overlooked. Administration of anesthesia and mechanical ventilation may produce enlargement of a pneumothorax and clinical deterioration. ⋯ In 15 of these cases (42.8%), identification of the pneumothorax on CT scan resulted in alterations in management, including chest tube placement in 10 patients and intensified monitoring in 5 patients. Failure to identify pneumothoraces in trauma patients may lead to deterioration and significant complications in patients requiring anesthesia or mechanical ventilation. CT scan may facilitate identification in these cases.
This article outlines the objectives for a resident rotation on a pediatric emergency medicine service that is geographically separate from adult-oriented facilities. In this setting, pediatric emergency department care is considered an off service. ⋯ The content of the pediatric emergency department educational exposure can be attained in a concentrated 2-month exposure at a pediatric facility or extracted throughout the course of multiple pediatric encounters at a general emergency department. These objectives are a part of a continuing series on the goals and objectives to direct emergency medicine resident training on off-service rotations.
Many studies have shown improved survival of cardiac arrest patients by the use of early defibrillation (EMT-D) in the field. This prospective study was the first in Pennsylvania and was undertaken to determine if an EMT-D program would be successful in our suburban/rural setting. One hundred two EMTs were trained to use a semi-automatic defibrillator and data were collected over 16 months. ⋯ Mean call to response interval was longer than in other reported studies (7.2 +/- 4.3 minutes). In addition, there was a high drop-out rate of EMT participants, no central/uniform early access system (that is, 911), and a lower rate of CPR than reported in other studies. It is concluded that introduction of an EMT-D program without careful analysis of systems response factors will not lead to the improved cardiac arrest survival percentages that have previously been reported.
A review of 452 trauma deaths in Hillsborough County, Florida, in 1984 documented that 23% of non-CNS trauma deaths were preventable and occurred because of inadequate resuscitation or delay in proper surgical care. In late 1988 Hillsborough County organized a County Trauma Agency (HCTA) to coordinate trauma care among prehospital providers and state-designated trauma centers. The purpose of this study was to review county trauma deaths after the inception of the HCTA to determine the frequency of preventable deaths. ⋯ The preventable death rate has decreased to 7.0% with system care. The causes of preventable deaths have changed from delayed or inadequate intervention to postoperative care errors.