J Emerg Med
Variability exists in emergency physician (EP) resource utilization as measured by ordering practices, rate of consultation, and propensity to admit patients. ⋯ At our academic tertiary center, 3 distinct subgroups of EP ordering practices exist based on consultation rates, advanced imaging use, and propensity to admit a patient. These data validate previous work showing that resource utilization and admission rates are related, while demonstrating that more nuanced patterns of EP ordering practices exist. Further investigation is needed to understand the impact of EP characteristics and behavior on throughput and quality of care. © 2022 Elsevier Inc.
Antipsychotic and sedative combinations are commonly used for treating agitation in the emergency department despite limited evidence regarding their comparative safety and efficacy. ⋯ Both the B52 and 52 combinations infrequently required repeat agitation medication; however, the B52 combination resulted in more oxygen desaturation, hypotension, physical restraint use, and longer length of stay.
Skin and soft tissue infections are common emergency department (ED) presentations. These infections cover a wide spectrum of disease, from simple cellulitis to necrotizing fasciitis. Despite the commonality, a subset of skin and soft tissue infections known as necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTIs) can cause significant morbidity and mortality. ⋯ NSTIs are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Knowledge of the history, examination, evaluation, and management is vital for emergency clinicians.
How much of a role should personal responsibility play in triage criteria? Because voluntarily unvaccinated people are not fulfilling their societal obligations during a pandemic, the ethical principle of justice demands that they reap the egalitarian consequences. These consequences could include lower priority for care, an increasing number of employer and government mandates, and restrictions to entering many entertainment venues. ⋯ A method to balance resource allocation between those patients who refuse vaccination and patients who need the same health care resources is necessary. An ethical solution is to give those who are voluntarily unvaccinated a lower priority for admission and for the use of other health care resources. Current in-hospital triage models can easily be modified to accomplish this. This substantive change in practice may encourage more people to get vaccinated.
Pediatric musculoskeletal (pMSK) radiograph interpretations are common, but the specific radiograph features at risk of incorrect diagnosis are relatively unknown. ⋯ We identified actionable learning opportunities in pMSK radiograph interpretation for EPs.