J Trauma
Review Case Reports
Nonoperative management of a splenic tear in a Jehovah's Witness with hemophilia.
Splenic laceration, the most common visceral lesion following blunt abdominal trauma, can be treated in a nonoperative fashion in only a select group of stable patients with minimal injury. We report a unique case of life-threatening splenic trauma in a Jehovah's Witness with hemophilia that was successfully managed without surgery.
The inability to normalize lactate predicts death after trauma, but lactate may not be immediately available in every center. We postulated that, in a normal acid-base environment, lactate would correlate with the anion gap and the base excess of an arterial blood gas. ⋯ There is no correlation between lactate, base excess, and anion gap after initial resuscitation. Neither anion gap nor base excess was capable of predicting lactate; therefore, lactate must be directly measured. The lack of correlation of anion gap with base excess or lactate suggests the presence of unmeasured anions, an impairment in acid-base regulation after injury and resuscitation, or both.
Since 1990, Florida has used a uniform set of eight triage criteria, known as the trauma scorecard, for triaging adult patients with trauma to state-approved trauma centers. If any one of the eight criteria are met, paramedics classify the patient as a "trauma alert" and transport to a state-approved trauma center. ⋯ Thus, the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services initiated a research effort to assess the effectiveness of the state-adopted trauma triage criteria for adults, giving special attention to geriatric trauma. The results of the Florida Trauma Triage Study indicate that the eight triage criteria comprising the trauma scorecard produce unacceptable levels of undertriage in elderly patients (age 55 years or older) with life-threatening injuries.
Comparative Study
Early resuscitation with low-volume PolyDCLHb is effective in the treatment of shock induced by penetrating vascular injury.
To study the efficacy of an oxygen-carrying solution in early resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock induced by penetrating vascular injury. ⋯ Early resuscitation with low-volume hemoglobin is effective in restoring tissue perfusion and improving survival in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock.