Notfall Rettungsmed
Notfall Rettungsmed · Jun 2023
[Virtual staff teamwork during the pandemic - development of digital training formats for community emergency response during the coronavirus pandemic].
In the event of emergency response to large-scale incidents, such as a mass casualty incident (MCI) or a mass casualty incident-infectious disease (MCI-ID), regular training is essential in order to have experienced emergency personnel available in the event of an incident. Due to the pandemic drills often had to be cancelled or were only possible with small groups of people. It was often not possible to simulate a large-scale emergency with actors, so that the trainees could not be offered realistic scenarios of a mass casualty or disease incident. As part of two research projects, a digital platform for conducting training was used to avoid the risk of infection between participants during the exercises, so that on-site personnel deployment could be reduced to a minimum. The goal of this work was to evaluate end-user acceptance of the digital solution approaches. ⋯ Overall, the evaluation results point to the high end-user acceptance of the developed concept. Even though the aim is to evaluate the system over a longer period with a larger number of participants, the studies already conducted confirm the positive experiences in the respective projects.
The prognosis of stroke patients can be improved by adherence to clinical guidelines. ⋯ Our data highlight the heterogeneity of prehospital stroke treatment in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Consistent use of appropriate scores for LVOS prediction and a higher adherence to recent clinical guideline in general are measures that should be taken to optimise the prehospital treatment of stroke patients.
Notfall Rettungsmed · Jan 2023
Review["B problems" in non-traumatic resuscitation room management].
In the primary survey of resuscitation room management in critically ill nontrauma patients, the ABCDE (airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure) approach is used for immediate recognition and treatment of life-threatening conditions. "B problems" are associated with respiratory failure and require immediate treatment. The pathogenesis is diverse, especially in the nontrauma resuscitation room. Clinical examination, emergency sonography and knowledge of oxygenation techniques and ventilation are important components of diagnosis and therapy. Standardized procedures and regular training in the emergency room are of fundamental importance.
Notfall Rettungsmed · Jan 2023
Review[Pandemic relief volunteers-increasing resilience for disasters].
The corona pandemic demands new solutions from our health care system in order to expand treatment capacities in a resilient manner within a short period of time. The last stage of expansion is disaster protection, the resilience of which can also be improved by volunteers. However, these spontaneous volunteers require training in order to be integrated into the disaster relief structures. ⋯ The concept of the PRV is the first structured training and integration of spontaneous responders in German civil protection. It is not a substitute for fully trained full-time and voluntary staff, but can provide useful support.