The British journal of radiology
Observational Study
High resolution ultrasonography of peripheral nerves in diabetic patients to evaluate nerve cross sectional area with clinical profile.
The aim of this observational study was ultrasound evaluation of peripheral nerves cross-sectional area (CSA) in subjects with probable diabetic peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy (DPN). CSA was analyzed with reference to clinical and nerve conduction study's (NCS) parameters for early diagnosis and pattern of involvement. ⋯ Early pick up of DPN cases shall be useful for early therapy and motivating the patients to actively participate in the treatment. Morphological changes on ultrasonography precedes the electrodiagnostic change in DPN. Symptoms of DPN is not only due to metabolic changes but also compressive neuropathy.
Meta Analysis Comparative Study
A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing the diagnostic accuracy of initial RT-PCR and CT scan in suspected COVID-19 patients.
To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to compare the diagnostic accuracy of CT and initial reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detecting COVID-19 infection. ⋯ Since the results of a CT scan are available quickly, it can be used as an adjunctive initial diagnostic test for patients with a history of positive contact or epidemiological history.
To assess accuracy of and interobserver agreement on multiparametric MR findings to distinguish uterine leiomyoma (LM) from uterine leiomyosarcoma (LMS) and soft tissue tumour of unknown malignant potential. ⋯ Assessment of agreement regarding MR parameters distinguishing LM from LMS and STUMP has not previously been undertaken in a cohort including a large number of patients with LMS. This will help inform evaluation of females considering minimally invasive LM treatment.
Effects of artery input function on dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for determining grades of gliomas.
To evaluate the effect of artery input function (AIF) derived from different arteries for pharmacokinetic modeling on dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) parameters in the grading of gliomas. ⋯ We sought to assess the effect of AIF on DCE-MRI for determining grades of gliomas. Both quantitative parameters Ktrans and Ve calculated using any AIF of ACA, MCA, and PCA can be used for distinguishing the low- from high-grade gliomas.
COVID-19 can cause damage to the lung, which can result in progressive respiratory failure and potential death. Chest radiography and CT are the imaging tools used to diagnose and monitor patients with COVID-19. Lung ultrasound (LUS) during COVID-19 is being used in some areas to aid decision-making and improve patient care. ⋯ A limitation of LUS is that it requires practitioners with sufficient competence to ensure timely, safe, and diagnostic clinical/imaging assessments. This commentary discusses the role and governance of LUS during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, and how increased education and training in this discipline can be undertaken given the restrictions in imaging highly infectious patients. The use of simulation, although numerical methods or dedicated scan trainers, and machine learning algorithms could further improve the accuracy of LUS, whilst helping to reduce its learning curve for greater uptake in clinical practice.