Scand J Trauma Resus
Scand J Trauma Resus · Apr 2019
Multicenter StudyA prospective stepped wedge cohort evaluation of the new national trauma team activation criteria in Sweden - the TRAUMALERT study.
Trauma triage based on prehospital information facilitates correct allocation of in-hospital resources. The Swedish national two-tier trauma team activation (TTA) criteria were revised in 2016. The current study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the new criteria. ⋯ The newly implemented Swedish TTA criteria result in a reduction in limited TTA frequency, indicating an increased efficiency in use of resources. The over- and undertriage is unchanged compared to former criteria, thus upholding patient safety.
Scand J Trauma Resus · Apr 2019
Prognostic accuracy of the serum lactate level, the SOFA score and the qSOFA score for mortality among adults with Sepsis.
Sepsis is a common critical condition caused by the body's overwhelming response to certain infective agents. Many biomarkers, including the serum lactate level, have been used for sepsis diagnosis and guiding treatment. Recently, the Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3) recommended the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) and the quick SOFA (qSOFA) rather than lactate for screening sepsis and assess prognosis. Here, we aim to explore and compare the prognostic accuracy of the lactate level, the SOFA score and the qSOFA score for mortality in septic patients using the public Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III database (MIMIC III). ⋯ Lactate is an independent prognostic predictor of mortality for patients with sepsis. It has superior discriminative power to qSOFA, and shows discriminative ability similar to that of SOFA.
Scand J Trauma Resus · Apr 2019
Multicenter StudyThe HEAVEN criteria predict laryngoscopic view and intubation success for both direct and video laryngoscopy: a cohort analysis.
Existing difficult airway prediction tools are not practical for emergency intubation and do not incorporate physiological data. The HEAVEN criteria (Hypoxaemia, Extremes of size, Anatomic challenges, Vomit/blood/fluid, Exsanguination, Neck mobility) may be more relevant for emergency rapid sequence intubation (RSI). ⋯ The HEAVEN criteria may be useful to predict laryngoscopic view and intubation performance for DL and VL during emergency RSI.
Scand J Trauma Resus · Apr 2019
Comparative StudyApplication of prothrombin complex concentrate for reversal of direct oral anticoagulants in clinical practice: indications, patient characteristics and clinical outcomes compared to reversal of vitamin K antagonists.
Prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) is widely used to reverse the action of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in accordance with current guidelines and because of a lack of specific reversal agents. Indications, clinical characteristics and patient outcomes of patients might differ in comparison to reversal of vitamin K antagonists where reversal with PCC is well established. ⋯ In DOAC treated patients, PCC was applied more often because of gastrointestinal bleeding and patients received higher numbers of ECs as well as tranexamic acid. No differences were observed with regard to important clinical outcomes.
Scand J Trauma Resus · Apr 2019
Case ReportsA paediatric case of severe tracheobronchial injury successfully treated surgically after early CT diagnosis and ECMO safely performed in the hybrid emergency room.
In paediatric trauma patients, tracheobronchial injury can be a rare, life-threatening trauma. In 2011, we instituted a new trauma workflow concept called the hybrid emergency room (Hybrid ER) that combines a sliding CT scanning system with interventional radiology features to permit CT examination and emergency therapeutic intervention without moving the patient. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can lead to cannula-related complications. However, procedures supported by moveable C-arm fluoroscopy and ultrasonography equipment can be performed soon after early CT examination. We report a paediatric patient with tracheobronchial injury diagnosed by CT examination who underwent rapid resuscitation and safe installation of veno-venous (VV) ECMO in our Hybrid ER and was successfully treated by surgery. ⋯ It is feasible to perform VV ECMO in the Hybrid ER, but one case does not conclude it is safe. In this case, the blood oxygenation improved, but there are no evidence to support the safety of the procedure or the advantage of ECMO initiation in the Hybrid ER rather than in the operating room.