Scand J Trauma Resus
Scand J Trauma Resus · Jul 2022
Developing a translational triage research tool: part two-evaluating the tool through a Delphi study among experts.
There are different prehospital triage systems, but no consensus on what constitutes the optimal choice. This heterogeneity constitutes a threat in a mass casualty incident in which triage is used during multiagency collaboration to prioritize casualties according to the injuries' severity. A previous study has confirmed the feasibility of using a Translational Triage Tool consisting of several steps which translate primary prehospital triage systems into one. This study aims to evaluate and verify the proposed algorithm using a panel of experts who in their careers have demonstrated proficiency in triage management through research, experience, education, and practice. ⋯ The feasibility of the proposed algorithm was confirmed by experts with some minor modifications. The utility of the translational triage tool needs to be evaluated using authentic patient cards used in simulation exercises before being used in actual triage scenarios.
Scand J Trauma Resus · Jul 2022
Healthcare professionals' perceptions of interprofessional teamwork in the emergency department: a critical incident study.
Interprofessional teams contribute to patient safety during clinical care. However, little is known about how interprofessional teams manage and cope with critical incidents in the emergency department (ED). Therefore, the study aimed to describe healthcare professionals (HCPs) perceptions of critical incidents linked to the enablers of and barriers to interprofessional teamwork in a high-risk setting, the ED. ⋯ Findings of this study indicate that poor ED-specific communication and limited professional experience are essential factors in handling critical incidents related to interprofessional teamwork. An important aspect of critical incident management is the ergonomics of the physical work environment and how it enables interprofessional teamwork. This study emphasizes the factors enabling interprofessional teamwork to manage critical incidents in the complex working environment of the ED.
Scand J Trauma Resus · Jul 2022
Observational StudyST-T segment changes in prehospital emergency physicians in the field: a prospective observational trial.
Due to time-critical decision-making, physical strain and the uncontrolled environment, prehospital emergency management is frequently associated with high levels of stress in medical personnel. Stress has been known to cause ischemia like changes in electrocardiograms (ECGs), including arrhythmias and deviations in ST-T segments. There is a lack of knowledge regarding the occurrence of changes in ST-T segments in prehospital emergency physicians. We hypothesized that ST-T segment deviations occur in prehospital emergency physicians in the field. ⋯ ECG changes are frequent and occur in most healthy prehospital emergency physicians. Even when occurring for less than 30 s, such changes are important signs for high levels of stress. The long-term impact of these changes needs further investigation. Trial registration The trial was registered at (NCT04003883) on 1.7.2019:
Scand J Trauma Resus · Jul 2022
Randomized Controlled TrialSimulation-based randomized trial of medical emergency cognitive aids.
Medical emergencies are complex and stressful, especially for the young and inexperienced. Cognitive aids (CA) have been shown to facilitate management of simulated medical emergencies by experienced teams. In this randomized trial we evaluated guideline adherence and treatment efficacy in simulated medical emergencies managed by residents with and without CA. ⋯ Physicians attending educational courses executed simulated medical emergencies. Teams were randomly assigned to manage emergencies with or without CA. Primary outcome was risk reduction of essential working steps. Secondary outcomes included prior experience in emergency medicine and CA, perceptions of usefulness, clinical relevance, acceptability, and accuracy in CA selection. Participants were grouped as "medical" (internal medicine and neurology) and "perioperative" (anesthesia and surgery) regarding their specialty. The study was designed as a prospective randomized single-blind study that was approved by the ethical committee of the University Duisburg-Essen (19-8966-BO).
Scand J Trauma Resus · Jul 2022
Observational StudyA characterization of trauma laparotomies in a scandinavian setting: an observational study.
Despite treatment advances, trauma laparotomy continuous to be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Most of the literature originates from high volume centers, whereas patient characteristics and outcomes in a Scandinavian setting is not well described. The objective of this study is to characterize treatments and outcomes of patients undergoing trauma laparotomy in a Scandinavian setting and compare this to international reports. ⋯ The overall rates, findings, and outcomes of trauma laparotomies in this Danish cohort is comparable to reports from similar Western European trauma systems.