Curr Top Microbiol
All living organisms sense and respond to harmful changes in their intracellular and extracellular environment through complex signaling pathways that lead to changes in gene expression and cellular function in order to maintain homeostasis. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), a large and heterogeneous group of functional RNAs, play important roles in cellular response to stressful conditions. lncRNAs constitute a significant fraction of the genes differentially expressed in response to diverse stressful stimuli and, once induced, contribute to the regulation of downstream cellular processes, including feedback regulation of key stress response proteins. ⋯ In addition to stress-induced RNAs, several constitutively expressed lncRNAs also exert a strong regulatory impact on the stress response. Although our understanding of the contribution of lncRNAs to the cellular stress response is still highly rudimentary, the existing data point to the presence of a complex network of lncRNAs, miRNAs, and proteins in regulation of the cellular response to stress.
Resistance of important bacterial pathogens to common antimicrobial therapies and the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria are increasing at an alarming rate and constitute one of our greatest challenges in the combat of bacterial infection and accompanied diseases. The current shortage of effective drugs, lack of successful prevention measures and only a few new antibiotics in the clinical pipeline demand the development of novel treatment options and alternative antimicrobial therapies. ⋯ In the past decade, numerous new bacterial targets for anti-virulence therapies have been identified, and structure-based tailoring of intervention strategies and screening assays for small-molecule inhibitors of such pathways were successfully established. In this chapter, we will take a closer look at the bacterial virulence-related factors and processes that present promising targets for anti-virulence therapies, recently discovered inhibitory substances and their promises and discuss the challenges, and problems that have to be faced.
CD4(+) helper T cells are crucial for autoimmune and infectious diseases; however, the recognition of the many, diverse fates available continues unabated. Precisely what controls specification of helper T cells and preserves phenotypic commitment is currently intensively investigated. In this review, we will discuss the major factors that impact helper T cell fate choice, ranging from cytokines and the microbiome to metabolic control and epigenetic regulation. We will also discuss the technological advances along with the attendant challenges presented by "big data," which allow the understanding of these processes on comprehensive scales.
During the current seventh cholera pandemic, Africa bore the major brunt of global disease burden. More than 40 years after its resurgence in Africa in 1970, cholera remains a grave public health problem, characterized by large disease burden, frequent outbreaks, persistent endemicity, and high CFRs, particularly in the region of the central African Great Lakes which might act as reservoirs for cholera. There, cases occur year round with a rise in incidence during the rainy season. ⋯ This requires considerable human and financial resources and time. In the short and medium term, vaccination may help to prevent and control the spread of cholera outbreaks. Regardless of the intervention, further understanding of cholera biology and epidemiology is essential to identify populations and areas at increased risk and thus ensure the most efficient use of scarce resources for the prevention and control of cholera.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the leading pathogen of chronic cystic fibrosis (CF) lung infection. Life-long persistance of P. aeruginosa in the CF lung requires a sophisticated habitat-specific adaptation of this pathogen to the heterogeneous and fluctuating lung environment. Due to the high selective pressure of inflamed CF lungs, P. aeruginosa increasingly experiences complex physiological and morphological changes. ⋯ Metabolic factors that are positively selected in response to the specific environment of CF lung include the outer membrane protein OprF, the microaerophilic oxidase Cbb3-2, the blue copper protein azurin, the cytochrome c peroxidase c551 and the enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway ArcA-ArcD. These metabolic adaptations probably support the growth of P. aeruginosa within oxygen-depleted CF mucus. The deeper understanding of the physiological mechanisms of niche specialization of P. aeruginosa during CF lung infection will help to identify new targets for future anti-pseudomonal treatment strategies to prevent the selection of mutator isolates and the establishment of chronic CF lung infection.