J Int Aids Soc
High HIV incidence and low adherence to daily oral PrEP among women underscore the need for more acceptable and easier to use HIV prevention products. Global demand for injectable contraception suggests that new, long-acting, injectable formulations could meet this need. We examine acceptability of a long-acting injectable PrEP among HIV-uninfected women in Zimbabwe, South Africa and two United States phase 2 trial sites. ⋯ This study found that long-acting injectable PrEP is acceptable among African and US women experiencing product use. Acceptability of product attributes better predicted future interest in injectable use than experience of pain. This is reassuring as a single-dose regimen of a different product has advanced to phase 3 trials. Finally, the study suggests that future demand for an injectable PrEP by women may be greater in African than US settings, where the risk of HIV is highest.