J Buon
Chemotherapy is the conventional treatment for castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) which provides only modest benefits. In the last few years, immunotherapy has emerged as an exciting therapeutic modality for advanced prostate cancer. ⋯ Current trials investigate the role of various immunological approaches in the treatment of prostate cancer, as far as the clinical benefit they provide is concerned and also deal with the issue of the measurability of this benefit. Future studies will focus on the combination of immunotherapeutic agents with conventional treatments in an effort to optimize patient outcomes.
To evaluate the efficacy as well as acute and late toxicity of two different accelerated hypofractionated 3D-conformal radiotherapy (Hypo-3DCRT) schedules in patients with bladder cancer. ⋯ Beyond the non-randomized design of the trial, the Hypo-3DCRT schedules used appear to be an acceptable alternative to the traditional longer radiotherapy (RT) schedules for elderly patients unfit for daily irradiation.
This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between pre-operative image-guided large needle core biopsy (LNCB) histopathology results and surgical resection volumes in breast conserving surgery (BCS), with attention to both margin status and cosmetic outcome. ⋯ The diagnosis of carcinoma by LNCB leads to the planning of a wider resection, but the need for reexcision is no different than less resection. HRLs are best approached with diagnostic excision, as there is no strong evidence that larger resections reduce the incidence of involved resection margins.
In our article we present the work on uterine cancer of the distinguished physician Aretaeus of Cappadocia. Uterine cancer was known since antiquity and its presence is testified in ancient Egyptian and Greek medical writings. However in the 2nd century AD Aretaeus provided the first accurate description of uterine cancer, dividing it in two forms, an ulcerated and a non ulcerated, both painful and fatal.
Letter Comparative Study
Does trastuzumab-emtansine have better cardiac safety profile in contrast to trastuzumab?