Oncology Ny
Experience in the management of primary tracheal tumors remains small because of their rarity. Adenoidcystic carcinoma (40%) and squamous cell carcinoma off%) are the most common histologies. They present with signs of airway obstruction or hemoptysis and are delineated by bronchoscopy, tomography, and CT scan. ⋯ Postoperative irradiation appears to be indicated for malignant tumors. Surgical mortality in 147 resections was 5%, with most deaths following carinal reconstruction. Twenty of 41 patients with squamous cell carcinomas who underwent resection are alive without disease (some for more than 25 years) and 39 of 52 with adenoidcystic carcinoma (some for as long as 19 years).
Our understanding and management of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting has progressed substantially in the past decade. We now have many effective single agents, which are even more beneficial when used in appropriate combinations. A new class of antiemetic agents, the serotonin antagonists, of which ondansetron is the first to be commercially available, promises significantly better control of the various emetic syndromes caused by cancer chemotherapy, with fewer side effects. This article summarizes the state of the art of antiemetic therapy.