Eur J Orthop Surg Tr
Eur J Orthop Surg Tr · Oct 2017
Arthrodesis of the thumb carpometacarpal joint using a quadrangular plate: surgical technique and long-term results of 70 patients.
To assess the long-term results of trapeziometacarpal arthrodesis using a quadrangular plate, regarding clinical, radiological and functional outcomes, as well as development of complications. ⋯ The use of quadrangular plates for arthrodesis of the trapeziometacarpal joint is a safety and reproducible technique with a low rate of complications. Arthrodesis decreases pain and improves function in patients with primary osteoarthritis of the thumb carpometacarpal joint; in spite of a mild loss of motion, patients are satisfied with this procedure.
Coccygodynia is a pain of the coccyx that is typically exaggerated by pressure. Management includes anti-inflammatory medications, physiotherapy, and coccyx manipulation. Coccygectomy is the surgical approach for treating coccygodynia when the conservative management fails. Generally, coccygectomy yields good results. Its most common complication is wound infection. ⋯ Coccygectomy provides effective pain relief to patients not responding to conservative therapies.
Eur J Orthop Surg Tr · Oct 2017
Free non-vascularized fibular graft for treatment of large bone defect around the elbow in pediatric patients.
Large bone defect is a challenging problem in orthopedics practice. Several methods are available for bridging of these bone defects, including cancellous bone graft, free vascularized fibula graft, and bone transport with external ring fixator. The aim of this study was to describe our experience in nine pediatric cases of free non-vascularized autogenous fibular strut bone graft in which large bone defect and bone loss of >7 cm was caused by open fracture and infective nonunion around the elbow joint. ⋯ Free non-vascularized fibular graft is a simple procedure and a reliable method for bridging large bone defect or loss caused by open fracture and/or infection around the elbow in pediatric patients.
Eur J Orthop Surg Tr · Oct 2017
Review Meta AnalysisComparative outcome of PFNA, Gamma nails, PCCP, Medoff plate, LISS and dynamic hip screws for fixation in elderly trochanteric fractures: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
The ideal implant for the treatment of an unstable intertrochanteric femoral fracture is still a matter of discussion. The aim of this systematic review is to conduct a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing clinical outcomes between dynamic hip screws (DHS), Medoff sliding plating, percutaneous compression plating (PCCP), proximal femoral nails (PFN), Gamma nails and less invasive stabilization system fixation in femoral trochanteric fractures in the elderly. These clinical outcomes consist of total intra-operative time, intra-operative fluoroscopy time, intra-operative blood loss, blood component transfusion, length of hospital stay, postoperative general complications, wound complications, late complications and reoperation rates. ⋯ The network meta-analysis suggested that fixation with PCCP significantly shortens operative time and decreases the units of blood transfusion required, while also lowering risks of general complications, wound complications and late complications when compared to fixation. Use of PFN showed the least intra-operative blood loss and shortest hospital stay. Multiple active treatment comparisons indicate that PCCP fixation in trochanteric fractures in the elderly is the treatment of choice in terms of intra-operative outcomes and postoperative complications.
Eur J Orthop Surg Tr · Oct 2017
A modified minimally invasive technique for intra-articular displaced calcaneal fractures fixed by transverse and axial screws.
The management of displaced, intra-articular calcaneal fracture represents a surgical challenge to even an experienced orthopedic surgeon. Plate osteosynthesis using an extended lateral approach is complicated by soft tissue problems, while those treated by closed reduction and percutaneous pinning cannot address all the intra-articular fragments sufficiently. The objective of our study is to evaluate restoration of subtalar joint and long-term functional outcomes in intra-articular displaced calcaneal fractures treated with transverse subcondral screws through a small incision on lateral aspect of calcaneus and percutaneously placed axial screws through the calcaneal tuberosity. ⋯ There were 21 (46.7%) excellent, 17 (37.8%) good, 4 (8.8%) fair, and 3 (6.7%) poor outcomes based on AOFAS ankle/hindfoot scores. Time to unite the fracture was 11.06 ± 1.82 weeks (range 8-16 weeks), and all fractures were united without major complications. Minimally invasive technique through a small incision on lateral aspect of calcaneus gives a moderately good exposure for anatomical restoration of Sander's type II and III calcaneal fractures fixed with both transverse and axial screws under fluoroscopic guidance.