Arch Otolaryngol
To examine the efficacy of tonsillectomy in ameliorating symptoms and preventing recurrence of episodes in children with PFAPA syndrome (periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis). ⋯ Tonsillectomy is a viable treatment option for patients with PFAPA syndrome.
To determine if performing parathyroidectomy surgery through minimal access (MA) incisions has any notable aesthetic or quality-of-life impact on patients compared with conventional access (CON) techniques. ⋯ Although they were more readily visible to naive viewers, CON (larger) cervical scars created in parathyroidectomy or thyroidectomy surgery do not translate into decreased patient satisfaction with their scar result. This may indicate a limited quality-of-life benefit in using MA approaches in transcervical surgical procedures.
To assess the effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on bleeding for pediatric adenotonsillectomy in a retrospective study, based on the common practices at 2 different tertiary care facilities. ⋯ Ibuprofen is not a contraindication to adenotonsillectomy or tonsillectomy and should be used in the control of postoperative pain if it is indicated in the patient.
To review the background, case characteristics, and outcomes of malpractice litigation resulting from surgical injury of the spinal accessory nerve. ⋯ Unintended injury to the spinal accessory nerve after head and neck surgery is a significant source of malpractice litigation. Timely diagnosis and treatment of this complication are essential. Regardless of whether the medical community considers careful surgical technique and nerve preservation to be the standard of care, the legal system clearly treats it as such, awarding compensation in 82% of cases. Strategies for optimal surgical care and litigation risk reduction are discussed.