Arch Surg Chicago
The need for cardiopulmonary bypass in the treatment of penetrating heart injuries is debated. ⋯ Cardiopulmonary bypass was ineffective in salvaging patients with cardiogenic shock but was essential in some patients with complex multiple-chamber cardiac injuries that could not be exposed and repaired by other means.
Although cardiac valve procedures are being performed more frequently in the elderly, long-term functional outcomes have not been well characterized. ⋯ Although greater resource expenditure is required for the initial perioperative convalescence, octogenarians can be expected to have an excellent functional outcome and long-term performance status after cardiac valve surgery.
To compare the effect of staffing with general surgeons vs trauma specialists on patient outcome at a trauma center. ⋯ Transitions in staffing afforded the opportunity to examine patient outcomes by surgeon specialization and frequency of call. In our sample, 12 well-trained surgeons taking call less frequently managed a trauma service as efficiently as a group of 4 trauma specialists, without any differences in morbidity and mortality.
Necrotizing soft tissue infection masquerading as cutaneous abcess following illicit drug injection.
To assess factors that might predict serious necrotizing soft tissue infections following illicit drug injection. ⋯ Parenteral injections of illicit drugs can produce infections that present with signs of simple cutaneous abscess and yet unpredictably become extensive necrotizing soft tissue infections. Treatment requires a high index of suspicion along with an inquisitive operative approach to avoid missing these potentially serious infections.
Collis gastroplasty is indicated when tension-free fundoplication is not possible. Few studies have described the physiological results of this procedure, and no studies have evaluated outcomes of the endoscopic approach. ⋯ Collis gastroplasty allows a tension-free fundoplication to be performed to correct a shortened esophagus. It results in an effective antireflux mechanism but can be complicated by the presence of acid-secreting gastric mucosa proximal to the intact fundoplication and a loss of distal esophageal motility. These patients require close objective follow-up and maintenance acid-suppression therapy.