Arch Surg Chicago
Children who undergo cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are proportionally more hemodiluted than adults who undergo CPB. Current methods of monitoring high-dose heparin sulfate anticoagulation are dependent on fibrinogen level. Because of the decreased fibrinogen levels in children, current methods of monitoring heparin anticoagulation overestimate their level of anticoagulation. ⋯ Children undergoing CPB with heparin dosing adjusted to optimize the ACT manifest inadequate anticoagulation (ongoing thrombin formation). High-dose heparin anticoagulation therapy in children undergoing CPB should be directed by tests (like the Heparin Management Test) that are less dependent on fibrinogen level than ACT.
Simple admission criteria (white blood cell count, > or =14. 5 x 10(9)/L; blood urea nitrogen level, > or =4.3 mmol/L [> or =12 mg/dL]; heart rate, > or =100 beats per minute; and serum glucose level, > or =8.3 mmol/L [> or =150 mg/dL]) are better predictors of severe complications of gallstone pancreatitis than an Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score of 5 or greater, a modified Imrie (Glasgow) score of 3 or greater, and a biliary Ranson score of 3 or greater. ⋯ Glucose level (> or =8.3 mmol/L [> or =150 mg/dL]) is the best single admission predictor of severe complications of gallstone pancreatitis and is superior to an APACHE II score of 5 or greater, a modified Imrie score of 3 or greater, and a biliary Ranson score of 3 or greater.
We hypothesized that complications of gallstone disease are more common than previously recognized and are related to treatment delay. ⋯ Complications of gallstone disease are (1) common, (2) costly, and (3) potentially preventable.