Hepato Gastroenterol
Hepato Gastroenterol · May 1999
Review Case ReportsPrimary omental liposarcoma presenting with torsion: a case report.
An 83 year-old man was admitted because of abdominal pain and distention. A mass measuring 20x10 cm and associated with tenderness and guarding was palpable in the right lower abdomen. Ultrasonography and computed tomography showed a tumor with solid and multiple cystic areas. ⋯ The patient has been alive and well for 2 years. Primary liposarcoma of the omentum has been reported in only seven previous cases. None of these patients presented with torsion, and no report has thus far included a documented survival.
Gallbladder cancer is the fifth most common gastrointestinal malignancy. Although overall 5-year survival is less than five percent, improved survival has been reported in recent years for extended resection of localized lesions. Nonetheless, one-third of operations for gallbladder cancer are palliative procedures. ⋯ Gastrointestinal bypass may be required for patients with gastric outlet obstruction. Although biliary bypass can be attempted to the extrahepatic biliary system or can be achieved by surgical intubation, there is increasing evidence that segment III cholangiojejunostomy provides effective long-term decompression of the obstructed biliary tree. A sound multidisciplinary approach is required in the management of these patients, the majority of whom are unlikely to survive beyond six months.
Hepato Gastroenterol · May 1999
The role of extended radical procedures in advanced gallbladder cancer.
Owing to recent advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques, aggressive operations for advanced gallbladder carcinoma are becoming more safe. However, the role of a radical operation in terms of long-term survival remains controversial. In this study, we reviewed our experience with gallbladder carcinoma and the literature to clarify the present status of this strategy. ⋯ The prognosis is still not good in patients with advanced gallbladder carcinoma even if radical resection is performed. However, a number of our patients who underwent radical surgery survived a long time.
Hepato Gastroenterol · May 1999
Case ReportsHemostasis of colonic diverticular bleeding with hemoclips under endoscopic control: report of a case.
This paper reports a case in which endoscopic hemostasis of a bleeding colonic diverticula was successful with endoscopic hemoclip. The patient, a 53 year-old man with painless hematochezia, was urgently admitted to our institute. ⋯ Hemoclips were placed on and around the visible vessel and immediate hemostasis was completed. Endoscopic clipping method for management of bleeding diverticular vessel is an effective, simple, and safe procedure.
Hepato Gastroenterol · May 1999
Immunoglobulins and IgG subclasses in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Serum immunoglobulin levels and distribution are altered in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The purpose of this study is to examine the value of serum concentration of IgG subclasses for the diagnosis and evaluation of disease activity of IBD and to assess possible differences in the immunoglobulin changes between patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). ⋯ In IBD some of the IgG immunoglobulin subclass concentration changes correlate, positively or negatively, with disease activity and therefore could be used as additional markers of it. However, serum immunoglobulin levels cannot be used to differentiate between UC and CD.