Indian J Surg
This study is a comparison between three methods that are frequently used for the surgical treatment of pilonidal disease all over the world: modified excision and repair, wide excision and secondary repair, and wide excision and flap. The first technique is done by our group for the first time, and has not been described previously in the literature. This is an interventional study performed at Omid, Sadr, and Rasoul Akram hospitals on patients who had undergone operation because of pilonidal sinus disease and met the inclusion criteria between 2004 and 2007. ⋯ All the three recurrences (1.5 %) occurred in the wide excision and flap method (P < 0.05). The frequency of postoperative complications was 2 (3.3 %) in wide excision and modified repair, 15 (18.5 %) in wide excision, and 17 (32.7 %) in wide excision and flap closure; these differences in complications were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Our results show that the wide excision and modified repair technique, which has been described for the first time, is an acceptable method due to a low recurrence rate and better wound outcomes comparing with wide excision alone and wide excision and flap techniques for the surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus disease.