In order to guide the needle to the correct location in 3D US-guided brachytherapy, the needle is continuously tracked as it is being inserted. A pre-scan before the needle insertion and a post-scan after the needle insertion are subtracted to obtain a difference image containing the needle. The image is projected along two orthogonal directions approximately perpendicular to the needle, and the 3D needle is reconstructed from the segmented needles in the two projected images. ⋯ Experiments with agar and turkey/chicken phantoms as well as patient data demonstrated that our needle segmentation technique could segment the needle in near real-time with an accuracy of 0.6 mm in position and 1.0 degrees in orientation. The true-positive rate for seed segmentation is 100% for the agar phantom and 93% for the chicken phantom. The average distance to manual seed segmentation was 1.0mm for the agar phantom and 1.7 mm for the chicken phantom.
Morphological characterization of carotid plaques has been used for risk stratification and evaluation of response to therapy, evaluation of new risk factors, genetic research, and for quantifying effects of new anti-atherosclerotic therapies. We developed a 3D US system that allows detailed studies of carotid plaques in 3D. Our software includes 3D reconstruction, viewing, manual and semi-automated segmentation of carotid plaques, and surface morphology analysis to be used for quantitative tracking of plaque changes. ⋯ Surface morphology analysis showed that 1 mm ulceration could be quantified and monitored for changes over time. The automated plaque quantification approach showed a little higher intra-observer variability than the manual technique, and its performance was better for segmenting the wall than the lumen. Our results indicate that our approach is sensitive tool and can be used in studies of plaque progression and regression as it relates to atherosclerosis treatment effects and can be used effectively in longitudinal studies for direct measurement carotid plaque volume.