J Visc Surg
Pilonidal disease is a frequent suppurative condition that occurs twice as often in men as in women, usually between the ages of 15 and 30. Pilonidal disease is located beneath the skin of the sacro-coccygeal region. It presents acutely as an abscess under tension while the chronic form gives rise to intermittent discharge from pilonidal sinus(es). ⋯ This technique has a low rate of recurrence but has the disadvantages of requiring local nursing care; the healing process is prolonged, usually associated with a temporary but prolonged cessation of activity. Primary wound closure techniques are less restrictive but their recurrence rate is probably higher. A direct midline suture is best after a small excision, but for a more extended wound, plastic reconstruction techniques are preferred; data in the literature favor asymmetric closure techniques such as those described by Karydakis and Bascom.