Minim Invas Neurosur
Minim Invas Neurosur · Jun 2004
Clinical TrialFunctional and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for visualization of the postthalamic visual fiber tracts and the visual cortex.
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers the possibility to study the course of the cerebral white matter tracts whereas functional MRI (fMRI) provides information about the specific functions of cortical areas. We evaluated the combination of fMRI and diffusion-weighted MRI to detect cortical visual areas with their corresponding visual fiber tracts in 15 healthy controls (age: 23 - 53 years, male : female = 8 : 7). We demonstrated activation within the primary visual cortex and white matter bundles connecting the lateral geniculate body and the striate cortex in all subjects investigated. ⋯ The combination of diffusion-weighted and functional imaging allows visualization of the origin, direction and functionality of large white matter tracts. This will prove helpful for imaging structural connectivity within the brain during functional imaging. Moreover, this technique might provide important information for neurosurgical patients presenting with space-occupying lesions close to the cortical and subcortical visual system since this technique can -- in contrast to diffusion tensor imaging -- easily be adopted into a neuronavigation system and can be performed on all MR scanners capable of diffusion-weighted imaging without specific post-processing programs.
Minim Invas Neurosur · Jun 2004
Case ReportsSuccessful staged treatment for ruptured blister-like dissecting aneurysm of the intracranial internal carotid artery: acute GDC embolization for the blister-like aneurysm followed by proximal occlusion with extracranial-intracranial bypass in the chronic stage.
The surgical treatment of ruptured blister-like dissecting aneurysm on the internal carotid artery (ICA) is still controversial. We report a case of this disease successfully managed by a staged treatment: GDC packing into the blister-like aneurysm in the acute stage followed by proximal occlusion in the chronic stage. The merit of this staged treatment is to prevent rerupture in the acute stage and to allow the proximal occlusion in the chronic stage with or without an extracranial-intracranial bypass, after assessment of tolerance of the ICA occlusion.