Review Meta Analysis
Anatomy, physiology and neurobiology of the nociception: a focus on low back pain (part A).
The treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) remains a challenge for pain medicine due to the complexity in the interactions between [1] a residual mechanical pain after surgery and, [2] a progressive transition into chronic pain involving central nervous system plasticity and molecular reorganization. The aim of this paper is to provide a fundamental overview of the pain pathway supporting the nociceptive component of the back pain. ⋯ The mechanical component of FBSS cannot be understood unless the functioning of the pain system is known. But ultimately, the highly variable nature of back pain expression among individuals would require a careful pathophysiological dissection of the potential generators of back pain to guide pain management strategies.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Multicolumn spinal cord stimulation for significant low back pain in failed back surgery syndrome: design of a national, multicentre, randomized, controlled health economics trial (ESTIMET Study).
Many studies have demonstrated the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for chronic neuropathic radicular pain over recent decades, but despite global favourable outcomes in failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) with leg pain, the back pain component remains poorly controlled by neurostimulation. Technological and scientific progress has led to the development of new SCS leads, comprising a multicolumn design and a greater number of contacts. The efficacy of multicolumn SCS lead configurations for the treatment of the back pain component of FBSS has recently been suggested by pilot studies. However, a randomized controlled trial must be conducted to confirm the efficacy of new generation multicolumn SCS. Évaluation médico-économique de la STImulation MEdullaire mulTi-colonnes (ESTIMET) is a multicentre, randomized study designed to compare the clinical efficacy and health economics aspects of mono- vs. multicolumn SCS lead programming in FBSS patients with radicular pain and significant back pain. ⋯ FBSS patients with a radicular pain VAS score≥50mm, associated with a significant back pain component were recruited in 14 centres in France and implanted with multicolumn SCS. Before the lead implantation procedure, they were 1:1 randomized to monocolumn SCS (group 1) or multicolumn SCS (group 2). Programming was performed using only one column for group 1 and full use of the 3 columns for group 2. Outcome assessment was performed at baseline (pre-implantation), and 1, 3, 6 and 12months post-implantation. The primary outcome measure was a reduction of the severity of low back pain (bVAS reduction≥50%) at the 6-month visit. Additional outcome measures were changes in global pain, leg pain, paraesthesia coverage mapping, functional capacities, quality of life, neuropsychological aspects, patient satisfaction and healthcare resource consumption.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
"MAST" prospective study: value of minimal access spine technologies technique for multicolumn spinal cord stimulation surgical lead implantation in the context of a French multicentre randomized controlled trial (ESTIMET study).
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for postoperative persistent leg pain after spine surgery, but treatment of the back pain component remains much more difficult, as it comprises mixed neuropathic and mechanical pain mechanisms. Moreover, these patients could present damaged tissues at the site of SCS lead implantation as a result of previous spine surgery. It can therefore be logically assumed that minimizing the surgical invasiveness of SCS implantation would be beneficial for these patients. Several studies have demonstrated the value of Minimal Access Spine Technologies (MAST) in spine surgery, but only a few case reports have been published concerning the use of MAST techniques for SCS. Therefore, we were prompted to conduct a second ESTIMET ancillary study to prospectively analyse the potential impact and benefits of MAST technique during SCS lead implantation versus an open surgical approach. ⋯ This is a multicentre, comparative, ancillary study conducted in 61 patients among the 115 enrolled patients ESTIMET study. One arm comprises patients undergoing multicolumn lead implantation via a Conventional Open Approach (COA) and the other arm comprises patients implanted by a MAST approach. Patients will be followed for 12 months after lead implantation. The following data will be collected: elevation of muscle enzymes (serum CPK), scar size, blood loss, infection rate, operating time and global, leg, back and scar NPRS.
One of the main consequences of chronic pain syndrome is major impairment of the quality of sleep. Chronic pain and insomnia are independently linked to significant reductions in quality of life and psychiatric morbidity. Recent studies have suggested the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for the treatment of the back pain component in failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) patients using a multicolumn lead. The main aim of this pilot study is to assess the influence and potential benefits of SCS on sleep quality in refractory FBSS patients implanted with multicolumn SCS and enrolled in the French multicentre ESTIMET study. ⋯ This is a single-centre, comparative, exploratory, pilot study. Sixteen FBSS patients enrolled in the ESTIMET study and implanted with multicolumn SCS will be monitored for 6months after implantation. Sleep parameters will be recorded by polysomnography, Psychomotor Vigilance Test and Osler tests, actigraphy, sleepiness scales, and sleep quality testing. Sleep will be evaluated before (at the inclusion visit) and after SCS implantation (at the 6-month visit). Secondary objectives will also assess the impact of SCS lead programming (mono vs. multicolumn SCS) and the influence of position-adaptive stimulation at night on sleep quality.
One of the major challenges of neurostimulation is actually to address the back pain component in patients suffering from refractory chronic back and leg pain. Facing a tremendous expansion of neurostimulation techniques and available devices, implanters and patients can still remain confused as they need to select the right tool for the right indication. To be able to evaluate and compare objectively patient outcomes, depending on therapeutical strategies, it appears essential to develop a rational and quantitative approach to pain assessment for those who undergo neurostimulation implantation. ⋯ The Neuro-Pain'T is an original software designed to objectively and quantitatively characterize reduction of a painful area in a given individual, in terms of intensity, surface and pain typology, in response to a treatment strategy or implantation of an analgesic device. Because pain is a physical sensation, which integrates a psychological dimension, its assessment justifies the use of multidimensional and global evaluation scales. However, in the context of neurostimulation and comparative clinical trials designed to test the technical efficacy of a given device, a simple, objective and quantitative evaluation tool could help to guide tomorrow's treatment options by transforming personal convictions into a more robust scientific rationale based on data collection and data mining techniques.