Review Case Reports
[Bowstringing as a complication of deep brain stimulation].
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an established surgical therapy for intractable movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, essential tremor and dystonia. As the number of treated patients has increased rapidly, new sets of problems about complications of DBS have arisen. Bowstringing is defined as abnormal tethering of leads between the pulse generators and stimulating electrode, associated with pain and contracture of the neck over the extension cable. ⋯ Six months after the replacement the patient presented disabling pain and tension in the neck where deep brain extension cables were located. A cervical incision was performed to excise scar tissue. Bowstringing is a rare complication of DBS and although patients sometimes report discomfort and tension in the cervical region, surgical procedures are not normally required.
The use of transpedicular screw fixation has been widely accepted for the treatment of degenerative and traumatic pathology of the lumbar spine. Complications of spinal instrumentation can be serious. Screw misplacement can result in unintended durotomy, nerve root and/or cauda equina injury. In comparison to fluoroscopy-assisted screw placement, computer-assisted image guidance has been shown to achieve overall higher rates of accuracy. The O-arm is able to obtain computed tomography (CT)-type images with multiplanar reconstruction. In this study we evaluated a cohort of patients who underwent posterior lumbar fusion with pedicle screws utilizing the O-arm imaging system. ⋯ The use of intraoperative O-arm imaging system with computer-assisted navigation significantly increases the surgical accuracy and safety of pedicle screw placement in lumbar fusion surgery.