Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · Apr 1980
Comparative Study Clinical Trial[0.75% and 0.5% bupivacaine in peridural lumbar block for surgery on the lower abdomen; a double-blind comparison and myographic study].
A double blind study has been carried out on 40 patients subjected to peridural block with 0.50% and 0.75% bupivacaine for operations on the low abdomen. While no significant differences were observed with regard to the latency and duration of anaesthetic action, 0.75% marcaine was more effective as regards the duration and degree of motor block. This result was also confirmed by an electromyographic study of the muscles of the hypothenar eminence.
Minerva anestesiologica · Apr 1980
Comparative Study[Delivery by cesarean section under general anesthesia and the neurobehavioral assessment of the newborn infant].
The problem of the effects on newborns of the anaesthetics administered to the mother has been reviewed. For research purposes Pentothal, widely used for induction in Caesarean section was considered. In spite of the presence of fair quantities of this drug, as demonstrated by foetal blood withdrawn from the umbilical cord, the newborns examined and submitted to painstaking neuro-behavioral assessment using Brazelton's method, did not show any signs of neurological impairment nor diversity in behaviour compared to a control group.