Minerva anestesiologica
A technique of continuous infusion epidural anesthesia was used during labour in 933 patients divided into three groups according to age: Group A (14-18 years old), Group B (19-35 years old) and Group C (greater than 35 years old). Infusion was carried out using the following system: a PVC pressurized bag containing 0.3% marcain connected to 2 flow regulators which ensured a flow of 6 ml/h. During the dilatation phase, 85% of patients received sufficient analgesia, whereas 15% required extra boluses. ⋯ The incidence of Caesarian section was 5.6% in Group A, 9% in Group B and 14.8% in Group C. No maternal complication was observed. Epidural anesthesia via continuous infusion was therefore shown to be an efficacious and safe method for ensuring analgesia during labour.
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 1990
Comparative Study[Techniques of celiac plexus block and clinical results].
Coeliac plexus neurolesion techniques for pain due to upper abdominal cancer (pancreas cancer above all), have changed during the years. In this paper we report the results of coeliac plexus alcohol neurolysis for cancer of pancreas and of other abdominal organs achieved with the different techniques. It appears that precrural techniques provide very favorable results but they require the use of CT scan. Retrocrural techniques, while giving good results, can be performed under fluoroscopic control.