Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 2019
ReviewClinical guidelines for perioperative hemodynamic management of non cardiac surgical adult patients.
Perioperative hemodynamic management, through monitoring and intervention on physiological parameters to improve cardiac output and oxygen delivery (goal-directed therapy, GDT), may improve outcome. However, an Italian survey has revealed that hemodynamic protocols are applied by only 29.1% of anesthesiologists. Aim of this paper is to provide clinical guidelines for a rationale use of perioperative hemodynamic management in non cardiac surgical adult patients, oriented for Italy and updated with most recent studies. ⋯ Fluid strategy should aim to a near zero balance in normovolemic patients at the beginning of surgery, and a slight positive fluid balance may be allowed to protect renal function. Drugs such as inotropes, vasocostrictors, and vasodilatator should be used only when fluids alone are not sufficient to optimize hemodynamics. Perioperative GDT protocols are associated with a reduction in costs, although no economic study has been performed in Italy.
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 2019
Review Comparative StudyComparison between thromboelastography and thromboelastometry.
Two of the most commonly used viscoelastic hemostatic assays, thromboelastometry (ROTEM) and thrombelastography (TEG), have proven to decrease allogenic blood transfusions with cost reduction and possibly decrease mortality and morbidity in cardiac, trauma, and other bleeding patients. This article compares the two devices to provide guidance on the selection and use of these monitoring systems. Their second-generation assays, TEG 6S and ROTEM Sigma, are also discussed.
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudySurgical Pleth Index And Analgesia Nociception Index for intraoperative analgesia in patients undergoing neurosurgical spinal procedures, a comparative randomized study.
The Surgical Plethysmographic Index (SPI) and the Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI) have been suggested for the non-invasive intraoperative monitoring of nociception/anti-nociception balance. We aimed to compare patterns of intraoperative use of opioids, postoperative cortisol levels and postoperative pain scores after intraoperative analgesia guided either by ANI, SPI or anesthesiologist's judgment. ⋯ Both ANI and SPI guidance significantly modified intraoperative opioid use, but no modification of postoperative cortisol levels and postoperative pain was observed.
Minerva anestesiologica · Dec 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudySensory assessment and block duration of transmuscular quadratus lumborum block at L2 versus L4 in volunteers: a randomized controlled trial.
The efficacy of an ultrasound guided transmuscular quadratus lumborum block (QLB) for perioperative analgesia of the upper and lower abdomen remain debatable. The purpose of this study was to compare the cutaneous sensory blocked area (CSBA) between QLB blocks performed at the L2 vs. L4 levels. ⋯ Ultrasound guided transmuscular QLB injection of 0.375% 20 mL ropivacaine at the L2 level produced a widespread cutaneous sensory blockade and a prolonged sensory block to cold sensation compared with the L4 level.
Continuous peripheral nerve blocks refer to a local anesthetic solution administered via perineurally placed catheters in an effort to extend the benefits of a single-shot peripheral nerve block. They offer several advantages in the postoperative period including excellent analgesia, reduced opioid consumption and associated side effects, enhanced rehabilitation and improved patient satisfaction. ⋯ Should we routinely use continuous peripheral nerve blocks in our daily practice? This PRO-CON debate aims at answering the question from the experts' perspectives. Fascial compartment and wound catheters are outside the scope of this debate.